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Adam Scott Condolences on Agonizing Breakup Season 2 Waiting

January 2025 is finally here – and with it the return of the show you watched three years ago and I felt it would never come back. We are talking about, of course Do not quit, 2022 Apple TV+ sci-fi mystery that came out of nowhere and became an instant fan favorite. The season concluded season 1 with anticipation and fans were eagerly waiting for season two. now coming on January 17th, since then.

Adam Scott, the star Do not quittakes Scott is no stranger to shooting TV shows, but with him Do not quithe went from starring in this weird show that nobody knew about to leading one of the most hyped shows on television. Suddenly, fans are approaching him on the street, he’s hearing lingo from the show around the world, and everything about the long-delayed second season is super secret. Last month, io9 talked to Scott about all of this during a video chat. He discussed his initial reactions to season two, what the fans are like, and how things have changed around the Lumon offices. Don’t worry, the interview is spoiler-free for season two.

Germain Lussier, io9: Fans had to wait nearly three years to find out what happened next. Do not quit crew, but I’m curious, how long did you have to wait to get the scripts and find out what happened, and what was your reaction to getting them?

Adam Scott: Dan (Erickson, showrunner) tries to map out the season before the actual scripts exist. So I had a rough idea of ​​the direction and arc of the season before I started getting scripts. So it was fun to see how far he would take the story this season. Because the first season went a little further than the story ended at the beginning. Then Ben[Stiller, executive producer]said, “Oh, he’s alive, it’s a great place to end the season.” So Dan found that as the demarcation line of the seasons. So it’s really interesting and fun to see how far we’ll go and what that will be. So I need to get this information before any script.

Quitting photo
Image: Apple TV+

io9: And during that wait, have people come up to you asking when the show is coming back? How is that?

Scott: Yeah, and I think it was September or something, Apple announced a January 17th release date. It was great to be able to tell people a date. Because several times a day people ask where the second season is. I understand. It’s been a while. So being able to say “January 17th” was great. But now, it’s coming in a few weeks. So it’s great. It’s amazing how patient people are and are willing to wait this long.

io9: We didn’t really have a choice, but I agree.

Scott: Yes, that’s true.

io9: So I watched a few episodes from the season and without spoiling anything, it seems like innie Mark is fully invested in getting answers. Obviously, you’re always the main character, but this season, but I almost saw it as a stand-in for the audience. He doesn’t play. Do you agree with this and how has it changed your performance this season?

Scott: I think the information that Mark discovers at the end of season one… in season one, we saw him become increasingly disenchanted with Lumon, this place that he believed in with all his heart. His whole personality and life was based on it. place. And he was disappointed. But I think by the time episode nine rolled around and they were on the run, he felt that Lumo had reached the ceiling he thought his disorder might be. So finding this information, I think, blew the roof off any expectation that he thought was possible, quote, “evil” or what horrible things a company or people could do to each other. So I think we start the second season with him being brought back to this situation where he’s not disappointed now. Now he’s in a place where he needs answers, and he needs to know what exactly to do with this information, and if there’s even a way to get it out.

Don't Quit Mark Healy
In search of answers. Image: Apple TV+

io9: It’s a unique show because you have an innie and an outtie. And they are apparently different people. So I wonder if I’m right in thinking that playing inni Mark is more fun.

Scott: I don’t know. I love playing both. I think they are different parts of the same person. And I think it’s all the same guy. But there are things that I like to play with both.

io9: Got it. Now, there are so many shows these days, especially with streaming, that it’s rare to be on one that’s really a hit. Looking back at the first season, at what point did you realize, “Oh, I’m on the show everyone’s talking about”?

Scott: We did the first season in a bubble. We had no idea that anyone would follow or like it. So when we got out, we were all holding our breath. But when I started hearing terms like “innie” and “outtie” from the show, like in the culture on a podcast, or whatever, I think that’s when I kind of knew what we were up to. And it was very strange to hear it there. All of a sudden we had to start sending secure emails with code words when we were talking about scripts and story or whatever. The entire first season, which took place over several years, didn’t care about anything we did. We didn’t have to hide anything. And all of a sudden, what we were doing was this locked secret thing. And it was really fun and weird to suddenly have this show that people were paying so much attention to.

io9: And as someone who has seen so much awesome TV, what is it about? Do not quit does it feel different?

Scott: I don’t know. I think the world that Dan and Ben have created looks and feels like nothing else out there. I think it’s a testament to the audience that they’re willing to stick with this kind of show that throws so many twists and so many mysteries at them.

Do not quit the second season premieres on January 17, with new episodes every Friday through March 21. We’ll have more from the cast and crew in the coming weeks.

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