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Josh Gad Still Shame on Disney Making a Big Deal of Beauty and the Beast’s ‘Exclusive Gay Moment’

We’ve come a long way since Disney first “exclusive gay moment” when the studio made a big deal about LeFou in live action Beauty and the Beast– the most a Depressingly big ol’ circlenow we return to the House of Mouse Cutting LGBTQ+ stories again left the media to appeal to conservative parents. But now, nearly eight years later, the star at the center of the backlash furore is speaking out about how shocked she was to see Disney blow it out of proportion.

“I certainly didn’t feel like LeFou was what the queer community longed for,” Josh Gad wrote in his new memoir of his role as LeFou in the film. Gad We Trust (via Entertainment Week). “I can’t imagine a Pride celebration honoring the ‘cinematic watershed moment’ of a semi-villainous Disney sidekick dancing with a man for half a second. I mean, if I were gay, I’m sure I’d be pissed.”

Again, that’s what Disney is trying to do in 2017 Beauty and the BeastDirector Bill Condon teased the moment LeFou danced with his male partner during the film’s epic holiday sequence as a big step for Disney’s LGBTQ+ on-screen efforts. describe it (now infamous) as “just a gay moment” in an interview with Attitude. But according to Gad, the moment was barely discussed as an obvious moment and never seemed to be anything more than a quiet nod.

“Because I’m a supporting character, I didn’t want to suddenly throw the weight of sexuality onto this character who doesn’t drive the film in any way,” Gad writes. “But the moment (as described to me) seemed innocuous enough—a fun blink-and-you’ll-miss-it kind of thing.”

Instead, Kondo’s framing of the moment made it a media firestorm, with fans outraged at the idea of ​​the two men dancing together (which, of course, had never happened in a Disney film before) and the studio itself eager to capitalize on it. a tiny sliver of queer representation on the big screen. It wouldn’t be the first time in the next few years, as Disney even managed to repeat that it made the “first openly gay character” for multiple press cycles, as did the studio and its major subsidiaries. he barely stepped with strange characters and presence beyond their limits these throwaway confessions.

“I would have been more than happy if the audience had just defined it as a cute gay moment,” Gad concludes, “but when we celebrate it and feel like we’re congratulating ourselves, we invite hell and fury.”

The more things change, the more they stay the same – although now Disney is inviting hell and fury. is his own cowardicemore than anything else.

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