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The “Tank of Shark” star Kevin O’Leary, broke what he calls The “tariff sign” of President Donald Trump to different countries in an effort to reinforce US manufacturing.
“The tariff signal, if you want to call it that, is a negotiation leverage tool because Trump orders the largest market on earth,” O’Leary said “History.”
Trump confronts the CEO of Bank of America for not taking ‘conservative matters’
Triumph He went to the World Economic Forum (WEF) remotely on Thursday, threatening companies that do not manufacture their products in the United States with tariffs. Subsequently, he took questions from five world leaders in investments and energy and criticized the CEO of Bank of America, Brian Moynihan, for not doing business with conservative companies.
O’Leary responded to this movement as “just the road (Trump) is”.
“We have been listening to Trump for 12 years,” O’Leary said. “If you do not understand that at this time, it will not change. He will choose someone from a crowd, from a sector, and will say something like that. He is trying to send a signal and, nevertheless, there is a lot of noise in it.
O’Leary said Trump’s message is “different for different countries”, such as Mexico and Canada, before explaining Trump’s main message.
“These messages are different for different countries. For example, Mexico, we are going to build a wall, but we also want you to make sure you stop sending illegal immigrants from yours and other countries, or you will be tariff.”
O’Leary added: “To the Canadians, start spending on security on the northern border and paying their two percent to NATO and stop sending fentanyl from China through the border to the United States or will face tariffs “
During Trump’s direction to Wef, he said: “My message to all the businesses in the world is very simple: come to make your product in the United States and we will give you among the lowest taxes of any nation on Earth. But if not you Do not make your product in the United States, which is your prerogative, so you will simply have to pay a tariff“
“It’s starting with a message that is high and clear,” O’Leary said. “Put on line, do what you said you were going to do, or you will face an evil barrier to enter the largest market in the world. And it will affect your economy. I heard it strong and clear.”
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During the second presidential campaign of Trump, he repeatedly threatened with the imports of tariffs from China and the European Union, vocation “The greatest ever invented” tariffs.
“I told the European Union that they had to invent their tremendous deficit with the United States through the large -scale purchase of our oil and gas,” “Trump,” wrote In a social publication of the truth on December 20. “¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡