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NASA moves to cancel diversity programs after Trump’s orders

Donald Trump’s leadership in a day, less than one day, in various workers, capital and incoming roles, NASA rushed to carry out the execution order by ending its diversity program.

NASA’s actor manager sent Janet Petro a memo To communicate offices, capital, access and access to the agency (deia) and cancel the relevant contracts to the Agency employees on Wednesday afternoon. The decision is coming to increase the diversity of NASA and the first person of the first woman and the first person in the first person.

Was NASA in 2023 named As one of the best employees for diversity in the United States. NASA began to engage in DeIA efforts in 2012, including a core value in 2020. Until 2021, NASA workforce consists of about 35% and 30% minority report By the General Administration of the Inspector of NASA. A year later, NASA has announced the first capital action plan Try to solve the problems of running diversity and accessibility and match favorable communities.

In addition, the PETRO memory reflects the dismissal of the agency’s diversity programs. “These programs have divided Americans with a race, taxpayer dollar and shameful discrimination,” he said. Website for Diversity of NASA is an equal opportunity Displays a “404 found” error message right now.

The memorial, NASA Diia’s DIIA DIIA’S DIIA’S DIIA’S DIIA’S DECIDES in accordance with the suffering of a template, which is followed by employees to manage employees.

NASA’s e-mail included a warning against the violation of the new order, claiming that the diversity of employees in the space agency. “We know that some governments use this program using a coded or inaccurate language,” We know that the Petro’s memo. “Since November 5, 2024, if you are aware of the description of any contract or personnel position to darken the relationship between deer and similar ideologies, let all facts and cases.”

NASA is not the only federal agency affected by new executive rules; Other agencies, such as the National Science Foundation and the National Health Institute, are also forced to cancel diversity programs. Variety and incoming efforts in agencies such as NASA are very important, taking into account the lack of diversity in the field.

Until 1978, NASA, the first different astronauts, finally chose a group that entered the first African-American and the first Asian-American astronauts and the first women. The issue is just going beyond NASA. Black and Latino students tend to fall from root programs higher than their white counterparts. 37% of black and Latino fat students were approximately 40%, compared to 29% of white root students, masters were modified as a master According to a study in 2019.

Even if NASA has a variety of groups on the surface of the month, the efforts to enter more on earth should not be taken light.

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