Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
The monetary authority of the Singapore building in Singapore.
Wei Leng Tay | Bloomberg | Getty images
Singapore was loosening his monetary policy for the first time since 2020, since he strives to increase growth.
The Singapore monetary authority said it would slightly reduce the slope of its exchange rate policy band, known as the Nominal Singapore Nominal Exchange rate in dollars or S $ Dternal.
There will be no changes in the width of the policy band or the level on which it focuses, he added more.
Unlike other central banks that modify their national loan rates, but opt for changing the currency exchange rate.
The Central Bank strengthens or weakens its currency against its main commercial partners, thus establishing the D drier. The exact exchange rate is not established, rather, the Dide S $ can move within the established policy band, whose precise levels are not revealed.
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