Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Influencer Reyna Dunlap – Otherwise, known as The Nude Queen – was found dead at the age of 30 in an empty house in Cleveland.
Local Ohio store Cleve scene confirmed the report on Dunlap’s death on Wednesday 22 January.
“This incident is considered an overdose,” said Cleveland police spokesman Cleve sceneWith the fact that the final cause of death has not yet been published. “Depending on this, we can determine what steps we need to take.”
Dunlap’s mother, Karen JonesLater he dealt with early findings of the authorities.
“They suspected it was an overdose. I said my daughter had never used hard drugs, don’t talk to anyone, ”she said in an interview with Cleveland’s 19 News Published on Thursday, January 23. “I bet my life that toxicology will return, that she had no hard drugs in the system.”
Jones said the publication that Dunlap was dressed in large clothes with hair and nails when the body was found. Her cell phone and identity card apparently lacked. The family said 19 News that a court doctor from the district of Cuyahog and the police in Cleveland said there were no apparent trauma signs.
“She liked to be the center of attention. She wanted to be just a positive or negative force in people’s lives. Reyna was also very controversial, ”said Jones. “Reyna was kind, loving and generous to blame.” She loved to be among people and was the center of attention. She wanted to be just a positive or negative force in the lives of people. ”
Internet personality traveled from Maryland to Cleveland, probably to appear in the reality show Zeus Network Baddies Midwest. her sister, Kira Dunlaprevealed Reyn’s death In the Tiktok commentary At the beginning of this month.
“Unfortunately, it is dead,” Kira wrote. “And I try to (get) answers to whom she was in Ohio.”
IN Subsequent Tiktok videosKira asked for help in revealing the place of Reyna in the last month.
“Her body was found in Cleveland, Ohio, Francis Avenue,” Kira said. “Please let us know if you saw it. I know there is someone out there who knows something about her. “
Kira claimed that Baddies Midwest The series “filmed in clubs near the places where she shopped”. Reyna “followed” to try to get into the show, her sister said.
“I know in my heart that someone was with her when she died and someone left her,” Kira continued, begging to keep Sister’s death “not sweeping under the carpet.”
Kira ever since have created the Gofundme page To help raise money after the sudden death of her sister.
“Please help raise funds for my sister, the funeral of Reyna Dunlap and her expenses, and also hire a private investigator to investigate her death,” the description of the website says. The collection aims at $ 20,000, with more than $ 2,000 for Friday 24 January.
“I can’t (enough) thank you, to all who actively investigate, share, publish and have this reach for as many people as possible. I think it is because of God’s grace, that it got to so many people as it got, ”Kira said in the next video at the beginning of this week.