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health experts encourage US to control the bird fever

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The US must strengthen the steps to control the flu of birds in the country and prevent the growing risk that the virus will change easily between people, international healthy experts have warned.

Scientists have requested that the vaccination of farm workers and more effort to prevent spreading among farms as H5N1 virus. Continues to infect cows and chicken nationwide.

The epidemic is the first test for President Donald Trump’s system, which is already existing To reduce commitment in the world’s efforts to manage and prevent disease.

Professor James WOOD, infectious UK Campridge University, said: “There is no great responsibility for the US authorities to allow such a virus in the milk cows.”

He also said that restrictions such as the hardening of the cows “can reduce the extent and can be expected in every country”.

Experts are looking at h5n1 growing around the US within a period of nine months. The jump has led to 67 cases confirmed by peopleEspecially in people who work with cows and chickens, according to the United States control centers and prevention.

The the first disease It is recorded in this month, although one person’s transfer cases will go to people.

Biologists are afraid of genetic restoration from H5N1 PATHOGEN1 and one animal or other flu, to create a new virus that can be passed between people. The probability of this position is rising when H5N1 rotates in the US during winter chest.

It was estimated that 12mn-22mn People’s disease between October 1 and 11 January, according to the CDC. On February 16, recommended hospitals to check within 24 hours people with fever is actually arrested by a bird feverEspecially if patients were in severe care. CDC stated that in November provided Vaccines for the people’s flu to farm workers in 12 districts.

It took H5N1 accident in society as low, but added that “is monitoring this powerful position”.

The World Health Organization, an international food and agriculture, and life-organization knowing governments must take many steps to fight the spread of flu of birds. These include strengthening viral test, sequence and sharing data, improve farming and protecting the infected animals, Mary Van Kerkhove is said, who is the Who’s on the top officer.

“There is plenty to be done and should be done to reduce the spread of bird flu in animals, between various animals,” said van Kerkhove, who is a valid preach commander .

WHO also recommended medical companies to make many vaccines that can be used mostly to reduce the spread of a birds flu, van Kerkhove added.

The cow grazing the field in a bridge farm farm, California
H5N1 explosion has caused 67 cases confirmed by people, especially to people who work with cows and chickens, according to the CDC. © John G Perfumes / EPA-which / Shutterstock

The chief manufacturers in Vaccines for birds fever For people – CSL seqirus, Sanofi and GSK – are well placed in response if the disaster becomes a plague. In October, three signed $ 72MN agreement with the US government that included a commitment to preparation to quickly distribute and maintain supply levels.

American government on 17th, gave $ 590mn to moderna, which still develops a fever injection using the Same Technology as a Covid JS.

Seqirus Jab is directed by many European governments but finland is the only one that ensure that it uses vaccines in contributions to farm workers. The vaccination automatically said Nordic country is making independent study with regard to the safety and efficiency of Jab.

US reaction to the birds fever is more difficult is “a short silence” in “multiple communities and a socio-emergency to keep healthy” is Department of Health and Human Services and other organizations.

Trump’s system started a “to create a test process and prioritize”, the Department of Health.

Trump and his partners despise the important input details of international contributions, where robert f kennedy jr, his chosen one for the health and the service of the injection and the old vaccine.

One of the first Trump actions after his inhibition was to stimulate a long-term pull performance from who. He has taken the same action in 2020 during his past, but President Joe Biden changed the decision to take a seat in January 2021.

Data view in Bob Haslett

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