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Amy Schumer shares a self-fresh-feded selfie with “no filter” and “without filling”

Amy Schumer She was just sharing a shining selfie and revealed that she used “no filter” and “without fill”.

The actress, 43, posted a photo with a fresh face through her Instagram Stories and Page on Saturday 25th January wrote: “What can I say it was a good night.”

Asked by the follower, what made it such a good evening, Schumer answered in the comment section: “Good family time then had to get off with people I love and respect.”

Her post comes after Schumer Opened about the diagnosis of her pillow syndrome During the episode of the podcast “Call of her dad” on Wednesday, January 22 (Cushing Syndrome is a disorder caused by increased cortisol in the blood and leads to swollen red, round face.)

Schumer said she found that she had a disease after internet trolls pointed out her “inflated” face during last year’s press tour. However, some medical experts came from, and then realized that swelling could be a serious side effect.

Amy Shumer reveals as she found out she had a Cushing syndrome

Related: Amy Schumer found that Cushing’s syndrome after the “Moon Face” comments

Amy Schumer actually has online trolls to thank for leading her to the diagnosis of Cushing syndrome. Schumer, 43, Opened Up About “The Internet Coming for Her” Swollen Face in 2024 Press APPEARANCES DURING AND “CALL HER DADDY” ) Chiming (…)

She told the host Alex Cooper“They were like,“ No, no… something is really upstairs. Your face looks so crazy that we think it’s something upstairs. “”

Amy Schumer shares a selfie fresh-face with

Amy Schumer With the kind permission of Amy Schumer/Instagram

It turned out that she had a cushing she was diagnosed in February 2024 – just before she started filming A little pregnanthit Netflix 5 February.

“I got these steroid injections, so it gave me this thing called Cushing Syndrome; which I wouldn’t know if the Internet didn’t come so hard for me,” she added. “I learned I had something called” Moon Face “, And I play in the movie and in my face is a camera and I like, “Oh my God.” Before I started filming this movie, I felt really on myself. ”

Schumer said the director Lorraine caffery “AMP (ed) me up” and assured her that she looked “f -in -in -in -in -ski”. It turned out that her system “just had to work out alone” and her face is now, as seen in her last selfie, a radiant.

“Happy for you.” You also look great, ” Cheyenne Jackson commented, with Olivia Munn He added: “Pretttyyyy.”

Amy Schumer feels again birth after a bloated face led to diagnosis of cushing syndrome

Related: Amy Schumer says Puffy’s face comments led to the diagnosis of Cushing Syndrome

Amy Schumer feels “reborn” after the diagnosis of the exogenous pillow syndrome. Schumer, 42, confirmed her medical diagnosis on Friday, February 23, the edition of the newsletter “News Not Noise”. Cushing syndrome, which is caused by steroid injections in high doses, is characterized by round, red and full face as well as weight (…)

After social media users offended her performance last year, Schumer said journalists Jessica Yellin For Sustack’s News not noise column This diagnosis of Cushing was not an easy task and she worried about her future as well as her son Gene, 5 shared with her husband Chris Fischer.

“The shame and criticism of our constantly changing bodies is something I dealt with and I have witnessed for a long time,” she added. “I want so much that women make love and be persistent when they fought for their own health in a system that they usually don’t trust them.”

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