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The International Police Coalition receives two productive cybercine and hack forums

According to Europe, the International Coalition of Law Enforcement Bodies, which is one of 10 million users, which is one of the agency participating in the operation, received two Hacking forums.

Thursday, Europol and German Police Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) Announced the detainees cracked and nulled. BKA, BKA’s press release called “two largest trading platforms in the world for cyber crime” for a machine translation.

The confirmation of the transaction comes a day after the cyber Experts outstanding Two other sites called Sellix and Starkrdp, as well as two sites called Sellx and Starkrdp, it turned out that the domains were seized by directing the names to the servers managed by the FBI. Four sites then demonstrated a banner that announces law enforcement measures called “Operation Talent”.

“These sites worked as a window shops and were used as a market to illegal goods and cybercrime-aaaaaaaaa, not for discussions related to cyber crime,” Europe wrote In press release.

One Announcing broadcast on Wednesday The official telegram channel, said the site was “unexplained for certain reasons.”

Europol occurred between Tuesdays and Thursdays and Thursdays, searching for seven properties and 17 servers, 50 euros ($ 313,000) and 300,000 euros ($ 313,000) and 300,000 euros ($ 313,000).

According to BKA, the law enforcement coalition seized many scores and domains in ten countries. In addition, twelve people were identified as to participate in using cyber crime platforms. Two German citizens living in Germany and lived in Spain were arrested; The other two people will be judged by our, Spain and the Greek government. They said they received the forums seized by agencies, emails, IP addresses and communication dates.

A video Europe, published by Europol, entered the Turkish authorities, National Police Nacional (National Police) and a building, sat in front of a computer sitting in front of a computer, arresting three people, looking for a apartment.

The operation led by the German government, Australia, France, Greece, Italy, Italy, Romania, Spain, as well as FTB law enforcement agencies in the United States.

The Australian Federal Police said “will provide an update in the appropriate time,” in an e-mail. None of the other agencies responded to the request for TechCrunch.

Contact us

Do you have more information about the transaction talent or other transactions against cybercime? You can contact securely signal with a unemployed device, Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai +1 917 257 1382 or Telegram and Keybase @lorenzofB or Email. You can also contact TechCrunch Secretary.

The operation talent is the latest salvo of a year long range of law enforcement operations for cyber criminals such as remorcere violations seized for the first time In 2023 and again in 2024. Another coordinated international police campaign in 2024 – DUBLAJI OPERATION EndGame – Several hacking services and malicious software manufacturers resulting in the arrest of four suspects. At the time, Europe also determined that the alleged eight refugees were allegedly in the scheme.

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