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This investor wants to sign NDA to build Legos together

Investor, former Github CEO and Tech Guy ™ Sent a strange offer on each side of the Nat Friedman’s X.

Her post Reads, “To build a 5000 LEGO set today You need volunteers to come to my office today. You should provide pizza. You should not mark. Please dm.”

Thanks to the subtle colleague Kyle’s investigation sheet, we know he was kidding.

Photo credits:Screenshot in X by Techcrunch

Legos and pizza is a great friday night for being honest, but it gets me.

I’m not a legalistist. But I can’t force it to sign the NDA Willy-Nilly with a little confidence. Again, I’m living in Palo Alto, I show this Lego set, and I did not show that there were no questions, no questions – the secret to find the religion of the secret Silicon Valley.

This proposal is a little strange to become a well-known investor in the public. Stanford wanting to draw startup ideas should know you will be wandering with Sophomores. However, 5,000-part Lego sets are not jokes and if you have 215,000 followers, why not help with a scary architectural problem?

That is, all “something with me” I can go through something.

Wealthy Tech people also deserve to have fun! But the part of the part ruined me and now I have to live without knowing that the rest of my life will be a strange thing that it will be a strange thing – something strange, NDA. He could play cool and talked to potential builders before they could sign the NDA. But he put it all there.

How hidden can this LEGO night be? Friedman, just for Nerds, do you have access to some of the most secret lego sets you can get in length with a company like a Birkin Bag?

Or do he just want to make sure that no one seemed to be nobody is naughty and tell everyone the office of his office? I know that some celebrities listen to NDAs sign, listen, listen, but Github is cool and all, but NAT Friedman Timotée is the same level as the Chalamet.

In any case, if everyone in Palo loves the legos and it’s cool to help with the lowest share journalism you ever imagined, he struck me.

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