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The property of the Superman’s combination is trying to stop James Gunn’s film from the international level

If you live in Australia, Canada, Ireland or United Kingdom, there is a chance Unable to see James Gunn’s Superman. Property of the Superman co-chair Joseph Schuster, just filed a lawsuit against Warner’s discovery of Bros. Blocking the release of the film Because the company believes that there are no relevant rights in those countries.

Ending He gave information about the claim that was a little complicated, but we will try and break it. Mostly, in the above countries, special copyright laws. Superman’s creators Schuster and Jerome Siegel signed the rights in the world in 1938 in 1938, and this agreement still stands in many places, does not stand anywhere. In the United Kingdom, for example, such a deal returns to the original owner 25 years after death.

“Shuster was called in 1992 and Siegel in 1996,” the claim given in the Federal Court in the southern region of New York. “By the operation of the law, Shuster’s external copyright reversed in most of these areas (and Canada in Canada). Again, the defendants continue to exploit the Superman throughout these jurisdictions during these jurisdictions In the sentence, the copyright owners of these countries are jointly in the joint contrast of copyright owners of these countries, including direct conflict and Merchandise to copyright laws of these countries. “

Court case “Violations of the defendants in Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Australia are” Damage and delicate relief “to establish property rights on certain jurisdictions on certain jurisdictions.” In an expression given to the deadline, a spokesman for Warner Bros. “We will not be pleased with the essence of the case and defend our rights boldly,” he said.

Obviously, we are not a lawyer, but we know that legal issues of this greatness are not quickly. It is necessary to consider releasing a number of parties or studio with property or studio Superman Blocked in these countries. Is a few months away. In both cases, both sides do not have a way of falling without a battle.

James Gunn’s SupermanDavid Corenswet, Rachel Brosnahan and Nicholas Hoult opening July 11.

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