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The rising temperature is turbocharging city rat populations, scientists warn

If the climate change is here to stay here, rodents will go out to play. A study that broadcasts today shows that the growing temperature helps increase an increase in urban residential rats.

Researchers at the University of Richmond conducted research, published In the Friday magazine Science advances. They found an important association between increasing urban rat populations on the basis of the analysis of cities in the world. Researchers say many people will have to prepare for larger rat infections in the future, the predicted trends in urbanization and climate.

The rats were a Disease carrier pest Since the moment we start to cultivate plants and live in permanent settlements since the moment of this moment. But as soon as the cities are increasingly greater, some evidence suggested that the rats have a slightly larger problem. According to the authors of the research, there is a surprisingly small study, although the rats are actually moving in cities in cities in the cities, not only fuel or hydration factors.

To overcome this knowledge gap, researchers analyzed the public rat vision and test information from 16 cities. The majority of cities they study in the United States, including New York, Washington DC and San Francisco, but Tokyo, Japan and the Netherlands, Amsterdam, and the Netherlands, Amsterdam. The researchers were about seven and 17 years from these cities, on average 12.

In total, 11 of the 16 cities (69%) have lived a clear tendency in the number of rats, including in rat numbers, researchers, New York and Amsterdam. During the study, the cities living in temperature growth also include greater growth in rat populations. In these cities, people’s closely populations and more urbanization (less green areas, including parks) were also associated with rat numbers.

“Most cities are an increase in rat numbers, which are associated with the climate warming, urbanization and human population density,” they wrote on researchers.

Findings certainly give intuitive sense. Rats like many small mammals can develop in colder air. In hot temperature, especially in Chilean seasons, the rats can give only a greater chance to live alone, but also continue to reproduce for years. Researchers refer to other studies that the climate change can expand the assortment of rats to the house where the environment can be calling home safely.

Researchers did not include any city with the tropical parts of the world (and only one subtropical climate, new Orleans). Climate change is possible to have a different impact on rat populations in these areas. Their work also shows that the climate change not only to accuse the number of rats in the cities they educated, but it is likely that the world’s cities are more likely to grow. Currently, it is in the climate to maintain warm-up. In other words, the rat problem in cities is expected to deteriorate only in decades – if we do not take effective steps to check their numbers.

“Given the forecasts of warming up for the coming future, the cities must be ready to aggravate the current rodent infestation levels to be ready for this warming potential,” the municipality to restrict the expected growth of financial and staffing, rat populations and activities should be dedicated to rodent control efforts. “

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