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Openai’s new brand application Humanoid robots, smart jewelry and more

Last Friday, AI Startup Openai Provided a new application to trademark products Related to his brand – “Openai” – with US Patent and Trademark Management (USPTO). Normally, this would not be successful. Companies are always files for trademarks. However, in the application, the openings of a new product lines of Openai, close and more speculative nature.

For example, the list of documents, headphones, goggles, glasses, mortgages and telephots, smartwatches, smart jewelry and virtual and widened reality headphones and virtual and widened reality headphones “EU Assistant Interaction and Training”

Open Approved last year This is a device project and the starting General Director Sam Altman, Sunday’s General Director Sam Altman works with Sam Altman and Said Korea’s chosen Openai hopes to develop a strong consumer consumer with a strong consumer. But in the same interview, Altman warned that a prototype AI has received several years to complete a prototype AI device.

Openai’s trademark application is also robots – specifically “user-programable humanoid robots” and “humanoid robots with communication and learning functions”.

Openai, recently started to hire for a new robotics of Caitlin Kalinowski joined The start of the metal of the methane of last year from the division of Ar glasses. According to their worklists and Report from informationOpenai wants to test robots – perhaps the humanoid in the form is equipped with special sensors and AI that can work with intelligence in real world settings.

Focus on the filing, Openai, “Addressing QUANT COMPANY SOURCES TO Optimize AI model performance, special AI chips and services to use.

There are many rumors that Openai has created special chips to manage AI models. Company The company of a department is aimed at the preparation of chip componentsand Reports offers Openai aims to bring a special chip to the market with Semiconductor Manufacturers Broadcom and TSMC in early 2026.

Openai’s plans for quantum calculation – Assuming that there is any structure in the stone – Murkier. However, last year, the beginning of the beginning of the technical staff in Quantum Computing Psiquigantum, the former quantum systems were architect in Psiquantum.

As a note marked a piece of MarchQuantum calculation also has the capacity to drain the efficiency of AI models thanks to the ability to make a large number of calculations. EU’s computing costs, perhaps Openai, which shows the signs of falling down at any time, so far from the architecture so far from architectural training models of architecture.

Again, trademark applications are often widespread and definitely not an indicator of a company product. Openai’s startup study or at least exploring exploration can reveal well. However, it is an estimated time – or anyone who has done any of the techniques specified in the document.

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