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These robots restore explosives who save from the Baltic Sea

When he spoke with Guldin in December, after the first phase of the pilot, this work has sketched a rough vision of this work to be visible in the future. Robot balancers equipped with cameras, powerful lights, sonar and improved grabber systems, can now work within hours of platform based on the platform-based cranes. With remote vehicles, garbage sites can be solved from more than one side, which is not possible from a stable platform on the surface. Sormnance experts – instead of conducting qualified workers in a short time, instead of having days of the sea, they can control most of the work away from the offices in Hamburg.

This reality can still be a little way, but despite a few issues, such as poor underwater visions and sometimes inadequate lighting, it was worked as approximately planned in the preliminary tests that work far from live views. “Of course, for improvement, but the fact that you can operate in a substantial concept and monitor the submarine and water, the Sea Architect is on behalf of the German Sea Architecture project. Hope, the establishment of the floating throwing rig in the coming months and then floating Starting the throwing rig and start burning the first explosives in 2026.


In October last year, while visiting the Seaferra barge on a month, I had a month in a month in a monthly moon, open a month in a month in a month, the ballots were crowned in a moon and a moon in a moon, and in a row, and the Nazi Germany with 20 mm Cannon tours went out by. That morning, in the 5.8 tons of 5.8 mm round to 20 mm rounds, Muck, detained by Muck, and then filmed to the platform.

Scheffler, decades worked as an administrative specialist and spent on work when serving the German military. However, he never fully occupied the degree of an empty ammunition problem, or he imagined that he tried to solve the problem directly in advance.

“I have been in business for 42 years now, and have not had the opportunity to work on a project like this,” he said. “What is really developed and the thing that is studied in the pilot project is worth the weight of gold for the future.”

Guldin warns that although the pilot’s consequences are optimistic, although the technology is still limited. Difficult, dangerous and sensitive work will sometimes still require a favorable human experience, for at least the near future. “There are restrictions on a full remote job in Seolfoor. Undoubtedly, experts in the sea in the sea and eOod (explosive orders) and specialists will never go.”

If the initial cleaning efforts are successful, there is hope that technology can find ready-made buyers, not elsewhere and not only in the Baltic. Good in the 1970sThe world’s servicemen turned into an ocean as unloading places for old ammunition.

Since there is no money to be made in the burning of old air bombs, any Boom in the underwater unarmed ammunition will depend on large investments in only rarely cleansing the environment. “Be more efficient and more efficient,” says you laughed. “The only thing, if you bring more money to the area, this should pay for it. Do we have a government ready to pay for it in the future? I have any doubts, to be honest.”

“Two weeks ago, I spoke with the ambassador of the Bahamas,” Sichermann said. “He said,” In the 70s of Britain, in the 70s, in the 70s, “you like to cleanse and cleanse everything in the 70s.” But not only technology, they are waiting for you to bring money. Therefore, you should always see that it is ready to finance it. “But find the right financial support and there will be a large number of potential work in the world, Sichermann.” Surely there is no shortage of ammunition. “

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