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Chris Anderson gives ted to those who have the best idea for the future

For 25 years, Chris Anderson was the Magic, Wisdom, and Sometimes, the Gooey’s leap Maestro Ted. In 2000, “Technology, Entertainment and Design” For its own, but mocked, “Sharing”, which is sometimes mocked, “Sharing”, TEDx named TEDx Local licensed meetings and archive of more than a quarter of a million talks, including Elon muskMonica Lewinsky and of course bono. TED podcasts, NPR have a educational program called TED Radio Show and TED-ED.

Now he wants to remove it all.

Today he announces his intention To exit non-commerce and turn all the Baboodle to the person who shares the best idea to do with it. “It seems like a bonker’s opinion that happened to TED since I allowed something, it happened when we allowed something.” “We gave the content and this is a viral. We have given the brand in the form of tedx. If you control someone else, you have the wonderful things to do the best. Therefore, I think it is time to try the same thing. Let it and admire. “

Anderson says he is not burned. But 25 years is a long time. He will not make money in the operation – he did not pay the “in the 1990s” and technological publications in the 1990s, and TED. Despite a perception of TED his headHe says the organization is in good condition. The company’s finances have now been restored during the pandemic. Her Latest financial documents He reports a total of $ 100 million balance sheet, and Anderson Ted said he had a $ 25 million money reserve. He added that at the next weekly conference, in the 1500-seat theater in the 1500-seater built in British Columbia, as always, the finishing Colombia sells. Sam altman will be in the building!

Do you want? Check your bank account. Anderson wants to lift someone with cash to a new level. Who can be? An unhappy standard, maritime guardians, anthropologists of evolution and “global spirits” can be more voiced than hanging in “Global Souls” and Global Souls in 2025. Instead, one university of Anderson, one of the great charity organizations, a university from a city looking for a large version of the fringe festival, or a city looking for a large technology or AI company. . This idea looks farsighted, but some talks you can find in the red circle of the TED stage. Surprise him.

“There is an opportunity to bring a far and wide knowledge, but we can not solo this with our current sources,” he says. “I just want to open the tent and bring it to these vision and the resources and make it real. And part of it just doesn’t know what will happen.”

Ted-sters will not be or will cause some angsts. Since the 1990s, since the 1990s, a eccentric architect called Richard Saul Wurman, I participated in TED conferences, when a small theater fled in a small theater in Monterey, California. For the first time, as a participant in the TED, Anderson took the franchise and made a few million people from millions of people from millions of people to a better or better theater. When I was involved, Anderson sent “TED situation” that was generally good humor, except for time in 2009 I criticized him For the lack of a large amount of content in connection with the economic crisis. (O often replied on stage.) It will be strange in TED without it, but then it would be strange for him to last forever.

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