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Scientists open a new weapon that cannot be impossible for cancer: Oil cells

Our body oil can cause a secret weapon in our eternal struggle against cancer. This week, a new study shows that oil cells can lead to a treatment that literally looks tumor.

Scientists at the University of California, San Francisco conducted research, published Tuesday Nature Biotechnology. Among a number of experiments, they saw that the purchased and implanted and implanted beige oil cells prevent the growth of five different cancers. Researchers say the findings can indicate a new, but relatively easy to indicate a meto.

Three wide-kind oil cells can be found in our body: white, brown and beige. White fat cells help to keep energy primarily brown fat cells When we are cold, keep our temperature stable by burning sugar and fat. Beige oil cells are in the middle of which are able to perform the functions of white or brown oil cells when necessary.

2022 research proposed Brown oil cells caused by the cold can sow the sources needed by cancer cells to grow. Only a small percentage of fat cells is brown, and this anti-tumor can not be safe to use most patients (in the 2022 job, which covers someone who is detailed in the 2022 job Hodgkin Lymphoma). UCSF researchers can reliably increase the same effect by turning white oil cells to beige oil cells – became the transformation of scientists Now learn to perform safely.

Researchers used a version of the Gene-edited technology organization CRISRP, opened a certain extent called UCP1 to create re-programmed beige oil cells. Cells were sometimes changed to select the nutrients where some cancers are especially hungry to avoid.

Using the patterns taken from Petri dishes, mice and true patients, researchers determined that engineering can be used to increase cancer growth of engineering oil cells. In general, these fat cells opposed at least five different types of different cancer cells (colon, pancreas, prostate cancer, with two types of breast cancer). The cells worked even when placed away from actual tumors.

“Summary, our results, cancer therapeutic approaches, (adipose manipulating transplant), which can be developable and personalized for customarized cancer and patients (adipose manipulating transplant).

The team’s results are just the beginning. More research will have to repeat and expand these results before you know if there is a possible cancer treatment of fat cells. However, researchers are encouraged both the potential and practicality of experimental therapy. It tends to carry a large number of body fat because we do not want to admit it, and doctors are thinking about how long it is long.

“We are already regularly withdrawing oil cells with liposuction and put them back through plastic surgery,” he said. statement from the university. “These fat cells can be easily managed in the laboratory and can be retreated safely into the body, but can make them an attractive platform for cell therapy, including cancer.”

If the team continues to pay, only oil cells are not treated only with cancer, but the blood glucose levels are programmed to make other recommendations such as to watch or suck the iron.

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