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White House insistent Donald Trump is not going to “send us troops to Gaza

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The white house wanted to take the fear of US Gaza Military induction – Insist Donald Trump for Controlling “boots on the ground”.

Click Oroline Leav Office Gaza“He didn’t mean to” refuse “to send armies and” burn the rocks “.

He said in this seedlight, he told about the laboratory. “That doesn’t mean boots on the floor to Gaza. It doesn’t mean the importance of American taxes in American will be a measure of money.”

Leavitt’s views come to a day to stab they decided within us and the world with a suggestion we should do “Take control“To the Palestinian representative and that of its all of its 2.2mn nationality should be reused again.

The goal also irritated many people in the President at the President, Republicens stating that it has been deviated from “his American plans.

Ran Paul, what we had left in America before came out of Kentucky. “We have no business that thought of business again to eliminate our treasure and spit our blood.”

Josh Hawley, the support seeds of the Repubs from Missouri, repeated the concerns. He said to the most Jewish devices in the United States to spend Jewish money in order to use a Jewish group in Gaza.

Some party members saw Trump’s suggestion as opposing his judgment when he contradicted a disappearing judgment of “adults.

Lindsey Graham, Republic Senorator from South Carolina, explained a “run” plan. He said:

Contem Marco Rubili’s writer wanted to upset Trump’s creation, said it “wasn’t going to” malice “.

“What he gives generosity is helping by governments, helping governments, help with houses and corporations and backgrounds,” he said.

Another Republic disappeared in the back President. Mike Johnson, the speaker’s speaker, was encouraged to be surprised by many people “like people worldwide”.

Johnson said: “It is a step with boldness, taking action to try to ensure the peace of the area. It is very courageous. The courageous courage is far more than what is done.”

Democrats, in case, trump is cleared “as a penalty” as a penalty and accuses the President to leave money in a remote area.

ChriR Hollen weighed our plan to put kings from Gazandland, “” is the cleaning race with another name. “

“She has been cutting Americans in a perfectly active American funding in government fashion when the Israeli government flows.”

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