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Can this start compact nuclear reactors revolutionize the detection of cancer?

As cancer rates in the west and global scale touch upwards There is a need for nuclear isotopes used in the detection of these cancers due to lifestyle and environmental pollution. However, the materials used in the 70s and the materials used in the 80s are rare and more expensive. Now a beginner from Bristol, England hopes to develop the production of these materials using new, radical, technology.

Astral systemsTalmon Firestone and Dr. Tom Wallce-Smith use something that provides a growing supply of nuclear isotopes used in modern medicine in modern medicine. These reactors are actually so compact, that they can match the middle table.

Astral Astral has closed the Austrian-based VC SpeedInvest and close to 4.5 million pounds led by Britain-based Playfine.

The company says that its approach will increase its approach to more efficiency and better performance with lower traditional reactors and increase its approach to MSF technology.

The approach uses a concept, discovered first by NASA, Lattice Arrest (LCF). According to the company, this can achieve 400 million more fuel densities from those in the norm.

Astral systems, team

To use NASA’s previous research, astral can also lead to other applications such as safe hybrid nuclear energy, space research and security industry programs.

The co-founder and CTO, Dr. Tom Wallace-Smith said to Techcrunch: “Historically restricted supply for trust in centralized reactors.”

“Whereas what we offer places them in the basement of industrial sections or hospitals or production centers. Then we can produce drugs where necessary and reduce the trust of these centralized production sites,” he said.

“Other approaches are limited to the existing technology:” Other approaches are based on accelerated technology, while in 2020, in 2020 in 2020, the performance is in the world. Thus, this is the beginning.

In the statement, Rick Hao, SpeedInvest was added: “Astral systems represent the best in the UK. Astral presents a new approach to a nuclear fusion that solves the needs of emergency medical, industrial and power.”

So far, Astral has already established three commercial fusion devices.

Oliver Buck, including the founder of Oliver Buck, ITM ISOTOPE technologies, including the founder of the ITM ISOTOPE technologies and old goals, Pete Hutton.

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