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The Pendulum’s EU Stavar Platform helps businesses better predict the proposal and demand for businesses

Supply chains have spent several years starting in 2020, starting in 2020 with global supply chains made of Covid-19. Recently, consumer requirements for companies such as Tiktok-iCiCat’s Shein and Temu in Tiktok-Ification create new products as the same speed change.

Generosity Companies are aimed at helping the new demand economy and help a better plan for demand.

The pendulum applies to a model-like company equipped with an EU designed to predict and optimize the supply and demand, integrated and designed, such as inventory, procurement and prices.

Joint founder and CEO Benjamin, Techcrunch told Techcrunch that companies with the right to supply and demand not only improve their margins, but also reduce waste. “The strongest thing you can do as a retailer to be more sustainable is to be more durable, the company is completely nail against the student,” he said. “If someone knows whatever you want, you’ll get your transactions sharply in decarbonize and increase your edges on a large scale.”

The fels have been the same for years after the financial side and the projected forecasted forecast products and the financial side, and the financial side, the fulfillment received a number of teams for the pendulum. The verbs said that the same approach thinks that the supply chain is thinking that the supply and demand thinks that he thought to work.

In June 2013, the MIT started with SUVRIT SRA to find their macro-eyes. Double years are researching and developing around this concept. When the company was ready to create and lift institutional capital in 2023, they rebranded the Sugkach.

Pendulum is now working with retail, health and national defense enterprises. Victoria is a secret custom customer and the US Department of Defense.

The pendulum is a financial cost of $ 11 million for a capital, research and development for research and development for research and development, including 11 million dollars from companies, including 11 million dollars, and the border influence among the other. The verbs said that the company plans to use finance to help raise the customer base with the company’s kernel customer kit, to help grow the customer base and develop its product.

Jean-François Gagné

In addition to financing news, Sarkac also announced that the element is an EU co-founder Jean-Francois Gagné – In 2020, servicenow received $ 230 million – Joints the company as a head strategy and product employee.

“I realized that JF had this rich history during this rich history in this rich history in this rich history in this rich history, and in this rich history. “After many three hours of straight conversations, it was necessary to lead this JF to lead the crop visibility and the strategy for how we behave on the scale.”

The supply chain TECH has become a hot category for shining a light on how fragile global supply chains of existing global supply. The fels thinks that the pendulum is different because its algorithmic approach was built in ten years of research and development.

“People are trying to optimize the supply chains for 5,000 years,” he said. “For the last two or three years, each organization, which is around and around and around the surroundings, every retailer, every retail, supply chain, with a very large force, we felt that it really requires a different answer.”

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