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What would be if Asteroid Bennu hit Earth

In September 24, September 2182, a relatively large spacecraft crashed 0.037% to the surface of the earth. Although the chances of the blow were subtle, Bennu is still one of the most potentially dangerous asteroids in our solar system and what we can come. First, a first-kind research simulated the expensive damage to the planet, which causes Benny’s impossibility, winter and global food failure.

A group of researchers located in South Korea, the environment of the earth in our back, the environment of the earth and how the environment of the earth will be affected by Bennu a mid-sized asteroid. The team determined that such an impact will lead to mass violations that can last until three or four years. The team was described in the most tight scenario, several hundred million tons of powder will significantly reduce the sun’s light, which causes the temperature around the world and how to grow. Researchers published themselves learnWhich is the first to model the climate of the earth after an asteroid effect Science advances.

Bennu is an asteroid that takes a place close to earth or more every six years or more. Scientists believe that space rock is demolished from a larger carbon-rich asteroid from about 700 million to 2 billion years ago and gradually. Asteroid, a historical NASA mission was Osiris-Rex In October 2020, one piece of Bennu was split In September 2023, he threw on earth on earth. The mission allowed scientists to close the proximity of ancient rock Bennu contains some important construction blocks of life.

An influence from Bennu would be very destructive, but the place saw worse. About 66 million years ago, an asteroid that hit the soil of about 6 miles (10 kilometers), kill the most Dinosaurs, including early residents. Compared to Bennu, which is a wide range of about 0.3 miles (0.5 km), the dinosaur was a massive asteroid mass. Medium-sized asteroids such as Bennu are more common in the solar system.

A graph that shows the damage caused by asteroids of different sizes.
A graph that shows the damage caused by asteroids of different sizes. Graphic: NASA

“On average, medium-sized asteroids collide every 100-200,000 place” PUs at the Pusan ​​National University in South Korea, the director of the IBC Center of IBR Physics (ICCP) said in a statement by email. “This means that our early human ancestors can experience some events before the variable events of this planet and even before potential effects of our genetic makeup. “

To determine the effects of Bennu, Bennu, who hit our planet from Bennu from today, the authors modeled the authors of the medium-sized asteroid idealized here because the scenario is idealally distant.

The collision will hit the upper atmosphere from 100 million tons of 400 million tons of powder, the team, global climate, atmospheric chemistry and place of plants affect the plankton in the ocean.

The most dramatic result of an asteroid clash like Bennu would be a volume amount of dust that will cloud the atmosphere Darkening of light from the sun. (A different team He broke a similar scenario After the influence of the chicxulub condemned the dinosaurs.)

The Gun’s darkening Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius), 4 degrees (4 degrees Celsius), 4 degrees of rainfall, rain and heavy rains and the ozone layer.

“TIt will cause the effective winter, growth in the ground, landfill in the surface and marine ecosystems, “LAN Dai, is the author of a researcher and work in ICCP, A statement.” This is most likely a mass of global food security would cause cuts. “

Although not all bad news. Under the surface of the ocean, asteroid can start the stratosphere after the impact of the iron and can place in parts of the Earth to trigger the unprecedented prosperity of sub-rich algae. According to the study, in the ocean, the ocean, after six months after the collision, the growth rate will increase by three to three years, research prices, research rates.

“We were able to watch this unexpected reaction to the iron concentration of the land,” Timmermann said. “Simulated Extreme Phytoplankton and Zooplankton Flowers can be a blight for biosphere and can help lightly relieve food insecurity due to a longer period of productivity.”

Ejecta flowing a day after Dimorphos's dart effect.
Ejecta flowing a day after Dimorphos’s dart effect. Photo: NASA, ESA, Stsci, J. Li (PSI)

As impossible as Impact from Bennu, researchers are determined to put the fate of the earth firmly in the hands of land. Successful of NASA Double Asteroid Routing Test (Dart) In September 2022, it proved to change the trajectory of mankind’s asteroid and proves to prove our ability to protect the planet from space interlopers from space interloper.

In addition, there are more fish to fry. Recently discovered Asteroid 2024 YR4 There are 1.9% chance (1-in-53 bets) in 2032. I hope the simulation of the latest team does not have a chance in the event of the inventor of mankind and the general threat.

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