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A platform for virtual pe classes for children increases $ 1.5 million

In 2020, Covid-19 was worried about how Joe Titus and Paul Suhr, including online learning of pandemics and schools.

It was a solution to two friends HiveclassK-12 has an online course based on a new York-based platform, fitness, sports, dance, yoga, nutrition and mindfulness and other things. There is a self-defense course.

In the pandemic world, the platform attracts interest in the combination of trends. Children are increasingly separated from PE classes in schools, often choose to jump completely. Many students often occur for a very competitive environment.

In addition, parents in the United States are struggling to pay young people. Titus and Suhr, consisting of secondary baseball, want their children to enjoy the same in their sports, but most of these same practices become unavailable.

“As a parent in New York,” Titus said, “The unevenness of the sport was out of me. I am the first football coach of my son, and the value of it was just so high. does? ‘ “

Photo credits:Hiveclass

Investors also recognize the value of online PE courses. HIVECLASS – Titus CEO and Sub General Product Officer – only $ 1.5 million seed funding has increased.

Financing will be allocated for the development of the product. It will also be used to increase a teacher portal used by teachers who use hiveclass to increase their engagement in classrooms. Also on the road map: New services for students with special needs.

Indeed, instead of submitting subscriptions to parents, HIVECLASS services serve public schools and libraries.

The platform offers a collection of short-form videos, which teach children to learn how to rip a basketball. In addition to videos, there are quizzes between clips that require written answers, help to help children to focus and engage in.

To access this teacher portal on the platform, teachers can see their answers to each student and quiz answers to ensure that everyone has completed everyone’s work. (HiVeclass says another point of sale is that students earn PE loans outside the class.)

HIVECLASS, from other edtech platforms and even educated Yutube channels, PE and Wellness bed, even in educated YouTube channels. The company claims that in the United States in accordance with national standards in accordance with national standards established by the Organization of Physical Education Management Health and Physical Teachers Its nearest rival, PLT4MAlso a form is an American member.

The company currently has more than 80 educational institutions and more than 13,000 students and teachers on the platform.

HIVECLASS does not explicit prices; He says that every customer is suitable for special requirements, including the number of students. However, this is the fact that it produces more than $ 2 million and hopes that it will hit an additional $ 1 million over the next month. Outfits also explore additional income streams, including title, including license agreements.

In the last round, the Spring Mountain Capital was headed. Other investors in the period include Georgetown Angel Investor Network (GAIN), New York State Venture Foundation, Construction Training and TechStars.

The financing rose over $ 3 million in total capitalization.

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