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Multitasking is not a reply to your attitude ‘stressful’

Open free editor’s words

Advisory advice has declined in my box. A quarter of brits, the new survey says, sends emails from Loo, because they are pressed on time. “Resting is the past”, raises a printing release, which says a third says part in the evening in the evening – “While watching their programs. Oh.

By “crushed by modern life, modern records, means this is inequality in the Muticatititask into search needs. But when the 13th people believe that They buy a weekly internet shop, I wonder what happened on Saturday. Did we get toxic, now attending real life – walking house and cleaning a house?

Multimasiking Managers as reminding us that his sheredes have been with his eurea at his moment while he is taking a shower. But he allowed his wandering mind as he wet. He was still sitting there with his camera, trying not to slip when others had taken them.

I soon asked a painful person for quote for decorating other estimates. We chatted when she looked at different walls. From great defection, she told me, and I was with me in how much you were sitting in the house while washed men in the middle day. This puts a new way to “worsen”.

These days, if you do one thing at the time you thought to plodder. But 20 years of evidence tells us that turning off work makes many people change. Utah University Since 2006 has found that talking on the phone while driving is dangerous: weakens the response. One operation just reported the “action” systems are more dangerous than phones about distraction.

Our mind is very disabled to do one thing at a time. And walking and talking and talking to start cheating when we grow old. This does not mean life must be a sequence. Many employees enjoy abusing between jobs, according to the maintenance facility, in the giant of King London, and it can be beautiful. In fact, “trick” – switching between heads, back to them later – is all the wrath of the test improvement.

But circumstances growing is growing and means that it is important to change the conversation to focus. It is difficult to concentrate on more than one of anxiety problems warning by the idea of ​​Psychiatric American idea. And we usually return our ability to add cortitarks. In fact, they are most familiar with them should do it a little: Because studies show that persuasive and uncontrolled.

I fear that I fall in that background, but soon I just got two soft gaps. I tried to check the email twice a day, but that doesn’t agree with my personality or my life. Instead, I returned to write a list of doing. List listing lists in the glimpse – as long as jobs start enough. And using a pen and paper seem like part of my underground. This is supported by new research that finds us to make brain brain connections when we write more than we write. That link is important for the invitation format – and this makes it keep the children walking with the text that moves in text.

I also try what new calp of new calp is, in his book The delayed suggestioncalling “pulling system”. In fact, you carefully concentrate on your top three plans and dodge as possible in relation to the language, meetings about recent meetings and messages related to late goals. It’s just when you have finished one of the top three you pull the following.

We will all have different types of this system – and I think it can be called “focused. But after my kind of diversion that is often the taxpayer, driving Money in front and meaning; and work on the work. It is the first meeting, a formal training module, says: Second work Of the kind of workers responsible for traveling with a toilet – and what my friend would like him to do with a body.

Such activities of such activities, I am suspicious, thank you more than the making of music, texts, to present themselves or flow to check soccer points. The problem is that people change between many channels – to introduce media media media – even when focusing on one work.

Outside there is “Supertisters” able to handle more jobs without leaving success. In the brain scans, this group shows how to do less psychological things, not over, when other activities are added. Unfortunately, only part 2 our only 2 percent of us. So it will be kind, and our employers will be kind, to accept that the fellows do not matter, and be careful.

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