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Angsey’s Nyux’s Nyux plant

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The plans for a nuclear power station was given with medicine containing shrubs involved in this project higher in Burea.

The CONSIDERATION Against wylech area on the Welsh Island on the Welsh Island by oppressing 20 February as they suggested to secure. The Designer said: “It is an example that there is powerful evidence.

The inspectors said that staff needed to create a purpose with the silent supply of Ahzey, which the citizens spoke with them who speak to them. can affect the language and culture of speaking strong. “

Prime Minister of Prime Minister Keir Starmer On Thursday revealed what a nuclear trade suggested that difficult laws have slowly reinstated a massage slap those who are spilled by the lies of years.

The Prime Minister explained the example of one company that needs to produce a 30,000 designing environment to design as a red fence model.

“Everyone puts their hand for seat buildings, for change… Then put their hand again to refuse it to their place. He said:”

Request to Build a new Nuclear Power Station on WYFA made by Japanese Subgachis, which is on September 20 drawn of the purpose of financial reasons.

But the reporting report published several months later showed that in 2019 recommended the employees to block the £ 16bn creation.

Government bought back The website in 2024 for £ 160mn but the plan is still limbo. “Like a previous place that took a nuclear energy station for power security to wylfa.

Insustpectorate – that carries out fears for the national and Wales projects – so it was Rell cultures, so the house price and accept tradition and language.

The report says to it speaks in its building procedure, during local economy. A total summary.

Prespectorate also recommended the project would fail to meet the natural values ​​set by the United Nations. Arctic and Sandwich terns lived nearby can worry about a great construction work.

Thus, in the Incpectorate Equity opposes that lion, even if he could have benefits for the works and knowledge of anthlessy.

Tom GreatRex, the chief sole organization, said: “As a discretion that the important factors of the dirty factors may disappear with a security gate.”

Lolin medi, pymru mm for ynis môn, said:

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