Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
It was an arrest of biblical proportions.
An intoxicated Man of Virginia Who broke into a biblical study session was in charge of investigating, thinking that it was an operation of trafficking in persons, authorities said.
David Campbell of Stafford is accused of breaking and entering, assaulting and public poisoning, said the Stafford County Sheriff’s office.
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David Campbell, 48, was intoxicated when he broke into a biblical study session, believing that it is a human trafficking operation, authorities said. (Stafford County Sheriff Office)
Campbell was intoxicated when he called the authorities on Wednesday night saying that he was upset that his neighbors had doubled his vehicles. Instead of addressing the problem with property administration, Campbell faced the neighbors in their residence and “observed” a large group of people, authorities said.
“I would assume that it is an operation of trafficking in people and Dear deputies To investigate it, “said the Sheriff’s office.” In informing the incident, the offices could listen to the person who called to make fun and curse the neighbors. “
When the agents arrived, Campbell, 48, was seen in the middle of the road and exhibited signs of intoxication, the authorities said.
Campbell’s neighbors told the agents that he made his way in the house while the group was talking about the Gospel. (Getty images)
He complained about the parking situation and demanded that the agents identify everyone inside the house.
His neighbors told the agents that Campbell made his way in the house while the group was talking about the The Gospel.
“He almost attacked an orderly minister and threatened to hit another man. Video evidence would confirm this,” said the Sheriff’s office. (Istock)
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“He almost attack an orderly minister and threaten to hit another man. Video evidence would confirm this, “Sheriff’s office said.
Campbell was arrested in the Rappahannock regional jail without bail.