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An unspoken story about a cryptist criminal offending to Nigerian prison

Gambaryan says he wanted to hear Ogunjobi’s self explaining. On the phone, Gambaryan remembers, the EFCC official began to cry, and he had repeatedly apologized, thank God, O son was released.

It was a lot to work hard for Gambaryan. He listened to silently without his apology. In the middle of Ogunjobi’s office, he saw an American friend called and a secret service agent in the past. Gambaryan did not know this yet, but Agent Gambarjan’s old boss will be in Rome for a conference with an old boss, Jarod Koopman’s president Jarod Koopman wanted to bring beer and pizza at the hotel.

Gambaryan said he had to go to Ogunjobi and ended the call.

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Gambaryan’s IRS Career Awards and Congressman Rich McCormick, who celebrated the return from Nigerian prison, a copy of the reviews published by the Congress Record.

Photo: Piera Moore

Colds Kapitol Hill, former federal agents and prosecutors, government officials and assistants in the Congress of the Congress Mingle in a foundation room in the Rayburn House office building. One, members of the Congress entered and tighten their hands with Tigran Gambarian, wearing a dark blue suit and a tie, and shaved his beard and cleaned the head, a little stretched from the backward surgery in Georgia.

Gambaryan thanked for thanking him for his roles for photos and conversations for photos and chats with each legislative, assistant and public department. When the French Hill say that he was good to see it again, Gambaryan said he hoped that he had a better smell during the meeting in Kuje.

Admission has a number in a number of VIPs that Gurnaria returned. At the airport in Georgia, representative McCormick came to greet him and gave the American flag flying above the building of the capitol before. The White House released statement President Biden’s President of Nigeria expressed his gratitude on the leadership of President Tinubu in the release of the humanitarian bases of the former law enforcement of the American and former law enforcement agencies and former law enforcement agencies. “

Thanks, I later learned that the US government was part of the lawsuit with Nigeria, which was stuck in Nigeria, which helped the building’s investigation. Nigeria continues to be tried by corruption and anjarvalla. A building spokesman wrote in a statement that the company is “comfortable and grateful” in the company’s “house” at home “at home.” We continue to work on a brighter future for Nigeria and Blockchain Industry “He said.

After the reception, I am in a taxi outside and I am in a taxi outside and asking him. He says that if a new leadership will return to the government and Yuki returns to DC if yuki. (Crypto News site coindesk reported last month Cryptocurrency Recommended by Industrial Industry Insides, President Trump’a, the President of Cryptoms in Sek, as a high-level position in the cyber regions of the FBI.) Probably need time to buy my head straight. “

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Gambaryan (right) with a congressman French hill in honor of Capitol Hill after returning to the United States.

I ask him how to experience the experience in Nigeria. “I think it made me angry?” Answer in a strange tone of light, as if it is as if it is thinking about the question for the first time. “This wanted to take revenge against those who are doing this.”

Revenge for Gambaryan may be more than a fantasy. He hopes that the Nigerian government, which started during the arrest, will be investigated in connection with the Nigerians who took the bachel of human rights and the better of the year of his life. Sometimes, he says he even sent a message to individual officials, saying, “You will see me again,” he said, “They have embarrassed in the rosette,” he said, but he could forgive him.

“Was it a fool for me to do it? Probably, he says in the cab. “I was on the ground with back pain and I was bored.”

As the hotel in Arlington leaves and Gambaryan shines a cigarette, but in the early years of prison, when it covers the series of harmful federal agents, Crypto money laundering and those who are crypty money laundering and children abusing children He stressed me as a nervous, managed in persecution of their investigations.

Gambaryan responds that if it looks more comfortable, and thanking him to see his family and friends, again because he was grateful to the house, and how little he had to do with him to see his family and friends. He was not dead in prison.

Due to the rage in the past, Gambarie is not satisfied.

“I’m not sure this is anger. It was justice,” he says. “I asked for justice. And I still do.”

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