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Google is expanding notbooklm plus to individual users

Google has expanded Notebooklm plusEU-based notes and research assistant, individual users are written to Google One Premium Plan – About two months after businesses and Google Workpace on Google Cloud.

First declared Then in December Previous pilotNotebooklm plus suggestion Higher use limits and premium features. This includes notebooklm or 500 notebooks and 300 sources, as well as up to 500 Chat Querie and 5 times a day using a 5-fold use of 20 audio generations per day.

Individual subscribers can now access all these features with Google One AI Premium step that cost $ 20 in one month. In addition, Google offers a 50% discount for students over 18 years – a $ 9.99 Ai reward for $ 9.99.

“We always wanted to see a ton of interest from notebooklms and consumers, consumers and students from the beginning,” said Kelly Schaefer, a domain leadership in Google Labs, in an interview.

Started as a project Notebooklm in 2023 gained more extensive attention After his debut Voice views feature in September last year. Service, LED companies that allow users to create voice conversations such as podcasts based on the content they downloaded Onelabs and Meta to copy the idea.

Meanwhile, Google remained regularly with regular update, including the offer AI Created Audio Conversations Guide.

Schaefer Techcrunch told Techcrunch that Google plans to develop voice views on Notebooklm with support from English to other languages.

“We are thinking about prioritizing languages, then, most importantly, to make sure that they feel more reliable and natural in terms of really true and natural,” he said.

Schaefer, Gemini used for Google notBooklm did not disclose AI models, but the main model is currently the same for both Plus and non-premium users. Google Laboratories have experiments with different options of twins and always “use the latest and best-fitting twin models,” he said.

Notebooklm (free version) vs notebooklm plusPhoto credits:Google

The team also tries to bring Notebooklm to mobile devices to mobile devices through an application, Schaefer told us, but did not share a certain schedule.

“We want to feel in many ways similar to the expertise on the mobile desktop, and at the same time, we really adapt to the most common use for mobile,” he said.

In addition, the company examines how much notebookl can use The emergence of the models that provide and work on thinking and thinking practices.

Notebooklm Plus, Google One EU’s Gemini, Docs, Docs and 2TB of 2TB, Schaefer, Schaefer, SCHAEFER’s will continue to support not paying users.

“We want people to get an excellent experience in Notebooklm, not free or paid, and notBookLM is very important to use it excellent. Thus, more offers more compared to any experience for free users We offer more about what we do. “

Google did not disclose the actual number of users in the size of notebooklm or the team, just saying it grows over time.

However, information from the market intelligence provider Similar The AI ​​Assistant has visited 28.18 million visitors in the last three months, only 9 million alone in 9 million.

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