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AI investments increased by $ 110 billion to $ 110 billion in 2024.

As for financing the wide range of the company’s capitalists, the wider range of technology, they build term layers for term sheets to capture artificial intelligence as an artificial intelligence.

According to new figures of analytics, AI beginnings, 62% of the $ 110 billion financed last year, financed by 62% of $ 110 billion. At the same time, special support companies (start and scale) in 2024 are 12% less than 2023 in 2024.

Dealroom’s founder Yoram Wijngaarde is analyzed and advised in the technological industry for decades. Marketples did not approach the investment in the event of a warehouse in the early 2000s in late 1990s and early 2000s, despite the fact that the EU activity and value. “This is the greatest wave of the absence of the investment,” he said. “There was never such a thing.”

Part of this is a wider ecosystem covering hardware and infrastructure, applications, basic models and other, as it seems.

In 2024, a list of the largest AI company speaks to various areas, which is currently attracting attention. Anthropic (large language models, generatative EU), Waymo (self-driving), ISIs (defense), xai (applications), especially the tools, and management, growth data) and the tools of management, growth data) are required) and the infrastructure, growth data) 2024 are between the biggest funds.

Although Openai is currently feeling like a poster child for AI, he did not raise the most money last year. Openai has selected $ 6.6 billion against $ 10 billion for Varabics.

The most funding in the aggregate is more than $ 20 billion, more than $ 40 billion in case, and in a massive viral application in the form of Chatgpt, to represent a type of call in the industry.

And so surprisingly, the interests of his two largest businesses, the foundation of the EU and generative Ai, the ENTERative AI technology of Genai, which earns $ 47.4 billion in 2024 and the largest in the growth of EU technology (and EU technology last two Giant funding in).

The transaction report was instructed to coincide with the EU Events Week in Paris around the AI ​​Operating Summit of the French government. Some of the agenda of the event is aimed at how to champion of AI development, which is more equal in more markets outside the United States

For those who believe in the Supported outside the market of AI companies, the DEPRISH figures put on how it works. 42% ($ 80.7 billion) in the United States ($ 80.7 billion), 25% ($ 12.8 billion), 18% went to the beginning of the world in the fourth part of the world. China has invested $ 7.6 billion last year.

“There is a little innovative dilemma in Europe,” said Wijngaarde. “We don’t want to replace what we get and it can be a less aggressive position.”

How will funding in 2024 in 2024?

One of the reasons for the fact that AI starters is so much money is one of the reasons for the fact that these services are a lot of money due to the cost of building and operating: large language models cost a lot in the calculation infrastructure to build and work. Like the emergence of Deepsek and other projects Only $ 50 built an opponent to an Openai model Submit an alternative approach built in the open source. Is there anything we will develop further in the coming year?

So far, the prospects of open source companies have become quite modest in Europe (as a bill as a self-source) and the efforts of the meter space.

Sealroom went to the opening of AIR Source AI, 12% of the AI ​​VC financing last year. “However, there is a significant gray region for open source or not,” said Orla Browne said that the concepts are heads. “For example, Xai is not included in these figures, as it is in the GROK-1 open source, the groc-2 is not currently. The percentage, including Xai, will increase by 22%.”

Outside of the pre-financing cost, outside the beginning of the AI, Ontler, Ontler, ontler, found the largest investment in the field last year, followed by A16Z, overall catalyst, Sequoia and Khosla enterprises up five.

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