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Ilona Maher Twins with a young fan in a delightful video

2192510228 Ilona Maher Twins with a young fan
Photo by Dan Mullan/Getty Images

Ilona Maher Again, the Internet gives some feeling good content.

At the weekend, the rugby star took the field hand with a young fan.

Maher, 28, and the fan dressed their favorite lips color and images From the tiring moment, people surprised people.

“Absolutely stunning,” one fan wrote. “Ilona still helps me to heal an inner child, who I didn’t even know I was sticking to.” Kindness and compassion are so important. ”

“Make -up I can’t,” another commentator said. “The picture is worth gazillion words.” The way the child looked up and was like ‘Yup. Someone like me. “The representation really matters. ”

Maher also admitted that she saw herself in a young fan.

Related: How Ilona Maher brings female female rugby: lipstick, more

Joe Scarnice/Getty Images Team USA Ilona Maher follows female rugby in the beauty department. “I play sport, which is traditionally very male,” said Maher, 27 years, on Wednesday 31. So I wear make -up (on the pitch) to give a big “f you” (…)

“It’s literally my twin,” Maher wrote. “Like when I look in the mirror of my past.”

“Ilona heals all our inner girls,” he read another comment. “Love it too much.”

At the end of another videoThe young fan can be seen, as he says, “That was amazing. The best thing I’ve ever done in my life. ”

“I cried as soon as I noticed that a little girl also had a red lip,” added another fan. “It really hit me how big it was for the little girl, and probably for Ilon’s inner girl.”

In August Maher said Rust that her lips color is usually red because “I think it works so well for my coloring.”

Related: Ilona Maher presents on the digital envelope “Si Swimsuit” in sexy bikinis

Sports Illustrated/Ben Watts Ilona Maher was a sexy look that he saw while posing on the cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit. Olympians, 28, have decorated us with its steamy photo shoot, while it appeared on the digital Si Si Si Si Si Swimsuit, the authorized Maybelline, on Wednesday, August 28. Photographed Ben Watts on Fire Island, New York, Maher showed (…)

“It’s not something I’ve always done,” Maher said about wearing lipstick on the pitch, “but I’ve always loved lipstick, even since I was a young girl.”

“So I was thinking about how cool it might be wearing while playing, because everyone always says how male rugby is,” added juxtaposition, “and you have to be some way to play”

“So I was glad,” Why can’t I just wear it in the field? “And feel pretty in the field? It’s not like it prevented me to solve hard. And now it was a great brand for me,” she continued.

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