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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
According to Chris Snellgrove
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If you had to describe Ronald Moore Battlestar Galactica Restart someone who has never seen it, you would probably use conditions like “Booding”, “serious” or even “prestigious television”. Probably the last descriptor you would ever use is “funny” because this show dealt with a very dull and bleak term and told the story of humanity that faced complete extinction. The only exception, however, is the bizarre cheerful episode of the season 1 “Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down”, but it turned out that this wide comedy was originally deadly serious episode inspired by hit film Crimson tide.
If it has been some time since you have watched this episode of Frakkina, here’s what happens: in “Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down” Tight’s Stolen wife. They could have been very difficult conspiracy points, but most of all they play for laughter … For example, the six version of Baltar’s Head keeps him sexually stimulating him, causing Starbuck (who doesn’t see a second woman) assume that Baltar masturbates. And Tigh’s Wife is cheerful, during dinner he rubbed young Captain Adama, and in general he acted like a hot (and very drunk) mess.
It was very surprising at the time Battlestar Galactica He made a comedy episode in the middle of all the gloomy horrors of the season 1. And “Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down” is even more remarkable in retrospective, because the show has never tried to make another comedy episode again. We could not help but wonder what happened here and, as it turned out, this episode was originally conceived as GalacticaCustom homage to the paranoid submarine thriller Crimson Tide.
Originally, the main conflict of the episode came down to Adam and stretches that it suspects that the other of the secret is a cylone. Baltar’s detector would probably play a role in such a storyline and the “TIGH ME UP, TIGH ME DOWN” version echo From this original idea, when we see how the commander of Adam and President Roslin is quietly suspicious. This episode had a different title then: “Secrets and lies.”
So what happened to the idea of making a deadly serious homage Crimson tide? According to Ronald Moor: “We have just come out of a very difficult, very dark, very disturbing episodes” – it was “meat and blood” in which Starbuck forcibly tortures the cylone for information that could save many lives. If he got stuck with the original land “tight me, seize me down”, it would be “very worrying, very dark, very (kind) unfortunate episodes where our two… the main characters began to point weapons on each other”
Moore stared at the prospect that he would have two insanely bleak episodes of his back, made such a harsh decision to order, thanks to which commander Adam was proud. “I just decided, well, let’s just punt.” Let’s not make a dark and gloomy episode, “he said, decided that it was the right time to” try another tone “.
It was a solid decision and laughter provided by the final version of the “Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down” were a great counterpoint to a torture (more way than one) conspiracy of “meat and bones”. But just like the cylons, Moore had a side motive. In addition to wanting the audience to re -reister, he wanted to “find out if the show lasts something lighter.” And decided that the best way to perform such a test is to show “something closer to the comedy or as close to the comedy as Galactica will last. ”
Of course, Battlestar Galactica made more than resist this story. The show continued to deliver the next three seasons (yes, it is necessary to say) Prestige Television afterwards. It is true that this season was more in line with the desolation of “meat and blood” than with a slight laugh “Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down”. It makes us even more grateful that the show had at least one As a result, we laughed balanced against the whole series, which mostly wept for us.