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According to Jonathan Klotz
| Published
Star Trek fans can feel as if they are tortured by new franchise records that barely resemble a utopian future created by Gene Roddenberry, and Star Wars fans can’t agree on what franchise should be, but there’s another long -term fandom, which It is that it is still waiting for adaptation to justice. Discworld, long -term fantasy satire from the mind of the author of Terry Pratchett, had several decent television films, including Go and HogfatherBut the biggest attempt to bring the bizarre world transmitted elephant on the back of the giant tortoise to life was so misleading, the fans pretend that it does not exist. WatchThe BBC series on the Guardian of the largest city of Discworld, Ankh-Morpork, finally escaped the development hell in 2021, but it missed what many consider to be the best series of Pratchett books.
Watch tried to adapt Rights! Guards !, The eighth Discworld and the first of Samuel Vimes, the drunken head of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch, by default and its colorful crew trying to maintain peace. Richard Dormer, played by Ser Beric Dondarrion from Brotherhood without Banners Grade, The cast was inspired as Vimes, but this is one of the two good decisions made in the revival of the series. The second was to transform the magic city into more steampunk settings, which not only helped keep it within the BBC budget, but it was supposed to help ground, the more fantastic and whims of the largest city of Discworld for something digestible for those who have never read novels.
For those who have read the novels discworld, Watch was as immediately offensive as Section 31 It was supposed to be the Star Trek fans. The beloved fans of the favorite character have been completely changed, from small things like a werewolf, which remains under control of her “suffering” to those that fundamentally changed the very point of the original novel. Lady Sybil, the eventual Mrs. Vimes, is supposed to be a rich nobleman with a sense of class and dignity, but in the series it is vigilant and the only thing that these two characters share is the name.
Perhaps the only change that is remotely defendable is the change in the fantasy to Steampunk, which brings coats, microphones and a higher level of technology next to direct punk rock fashion, but strangely this part works. Watch It could have been a direct fantasy series, but turning into discworld it seems that something pratchetta, who liked Ziga, when the readers expected Zag, would pull away. It is a pity that the series would also miss the entire point of the original satire.
Terry Pratchett was a brilliant satirist who used his novels to entertain everything in modern life, from mobile phones and insurance, but also used Vimes Rights! Rights!Give the most beautiful and accurate treatise on the economy. Watch Turns the fan’s favorite part of the entire Discworld series, “Vimes Economic Theory of Boots”, in which Vimes explains that the rich can pay for shoes that last longer, while the poor are constantly paying to replace their shabby shoes and spend more in a long run. Pointing. It is the opposite of how Pratchett had intended and is the only, most serious example of what the series will not understand about discworld.
No wonder WatchAlthough it was the most ambitious discworld project so far, it was a complete failure when it was broadcast. Instead of being creative, Csi-inspired The adaptation that Terry Pratchett originally imagined is a helpless mess that can say that it is “inspired by the characters of Terry Pratchett” instead of selling as a direct adaptation. The only thing worse than no big adaptation is one that is so bad that millions of fans around the world decide to pretend that it has never been made.
If you want to see how not to repair the beloved series of novels, Watch is available on Amazon Prime video for $ 19.99, but it’s better to take the money and shop Rights! Guards !, Men in his armsand Thude!All three of them are still among the best Discworld novels that have ever been printed.