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Director Bridget Jones says Reney Zellweger ‘came to set up’ in character

Director Bridget Jones says Rene Zellweger came to build

RENEE Zellweger and Michael Morris Franco Origlia/Wireimage/Getty Images

Director Michael Morris I didn’t have to worry about Renée Zellweger Rediscovery of her role Bridget Jones in Mad about the boy – She was back in character before he even called the event.

“It is absolutely true that he says he will enter like Bridget and there is something really deeply,” shares Morris, 51, exclusively with Us every week. “Because we all expected Renee to come (set up).” … That’s not what happens. Bridget comes and there is a huge difference in the way it goes, the way it sits, the way it tilts. It’s Bridget. ”

Morris – who called Zellweger a “beautiful, warm human being” and “a truly spectacular actress” – said that anyone who works on a movie from “make -up” to “team of craftsmanship” had “out of body experience” watched victory Oscar Mosey around the set as his counterpart Rom-Com.

“Like,” I talk to Bridget Jones at behind the scenes Bridget Joneswhat? My head explodes! That’s so strange, ”he recalled. “Honestly felt like that.” So from the very beginning there was a Bridget and it just improves it. Because it means you can get into it. ”

Related: Reney Zellweger is back like Bridget Jones in a poster for 4. Film

Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images first look at Bridget Jones: Mad about a boy who wants us to wish Valentine who was tomorrow. “New decades.” The new diary, ”reads the slogan on the poster for the fourth install of the film series. In advertising that dropped on Thursday 22nd August, Renée Zellweger looks better than ever as Bridget in and (…)

Zellweger has easily settled back into the bridget, makes sense – already nailed a role in the three previous films based on Helen Fielding 90. Bridget Jones’s diary2004, Bridget Jones: The edge of reason and 2016 Bridget Jones’s baby. Now is nice and off singleton back and ready to make Our Laugh, crying, blushing and inhale our ice cream (and wine) when we meet her after the death of great love Mark Darcy (Colin Firth).

Director Bridget Jones says Rene Zellweger came to build

Renée Zellweger as Bridget Jones. Jay Maidment/Universal Pictures

While Mad about the boy It presents a Bridget as a widowed mother of two immersed in her tip back in the dating pool – Mark was dead four years before the film begins – a beloved figure can be felt from start to finish. Morris said that Our He was well aware of how important the character for the fans was, and wanted to ensure that Firth’s short portrait landed correctly.

“It was one of the most emotional shooting moments when he saw Renée and Colin, knowing how short their time would be on the scene,” he noted that the designers placed the “real pictures” of the duo in the bridget in the bridget to make the loss feel more authentic. It was a touch he appreciated himself.

“Unlike most films, these are real pictures because they grew up together and made these movies.” So there are all these real moments, ”Morris recalled. “A (Colin) walked through the set on the way to where we needed him, and he just said,” The movie you make, I felt like a memory because I’m not in this house but I’m kind of passing through it for this scene . “And it was just beautiful. ”

Feel “absence” and “loss” Mark was inevitable-“the audience has a 24-year relationship with Colin Firth as Mark Darcy,” Morris recalled Our. The director also had an added challenge of building and new The Bridget world that could help the character to start her next chapter.

“She never lived in this house, she never had children, she was never at this time,” he said. “It’s a rediscovery.” That was something we had to do because this is the story we tell. ”

Morris had one advantage in his corner? Being a real long -term fans of franchise, which told him he helped him feel to see himself when he navigated his own young adult life.

Director Bridget Jones says Rene Zellweger came to build

(LR) Renée Zellweger as Bridget Jones, Leo Woodall as Roxster. Jay Maidment/Universal Pictures

“I remember in 2001 when I saw the first movie – I just went to the movies and I saw him, and I was at the age of 20, probably when it came out, about the same age as Bridget is trying to make my own way And find out what I did, as I did, ”he said. “That’s what was my stand-in.”

Morris realized that if he felt Bridget, women would certainly be. “I didn’t (even) had half of the real touch points with Bridget, which has so many women,” he said. “And God knows that society did not ask me to record my weight in my diary as if it were asking for women.”

This is partly the reason why Morris feels Bridget Jones – Even 24 years after the first film intervening of theaters – it still resonates so deep to this day. In the so -called golden age of “superheroes and horror films”, romantic comedies focus on “real people” and “real life”.

“We can have a really shiny and maybe perfect version of the Rom-Coms, where everyone looks beautiful and lives, you know, the tropical island with Louise Vuitton suitcases.” This is one version of Rom-Com, ”he explained. “But then there is another version of Rom-Com that reflects us more, and the mess of all and the kind of real life of the Rom-com way that is more Bridget.”

Morris himself has a lot of experience with every genre across the album. After he started with family dramatic brothers and sisters, he moved to shows like 13 reasons why and Better call Saul. Morris said that this range helped him only when he was joined by the Bridget Jones family.

“If you are going to make a comedy, I feel like you want to include elements that are not comedy on your face,” he said Our. “It’s a bit like cooking.” You make salt, you make a little sweet, a little acid, you have to have a full taste. And I think a really exciting thing about Rom-Coms, (is) when you divide it, it’s not a clear genre. ”

Bridget Jones: Mad about the boy Streams on a peacock.

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