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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
The case for GLP-1 medications such as ozempic, maybe causing blindness. This week describes a few people who develop a new document and develop the eye conditions after taking similar medications.
In the Utah Health University, the investigation, which explains several cases of vision consequences and elsewhere, maybe it was closed to this pity and diabetes. Medications were associated with three different eye conditions, all of them can cause blindness. However, doctors are caution, not only do these issues be proven to have more research to accurately understand what these issues can lead to these issues.
Recently other studies suggested a connection as a higher risk of Semaglutide (Ozempt and Wegovy) and Tirzepatide (Mounjaro and Zepbound) and Tirzepatide (Mounjaro and Zepbound) and a higher risk of certain eye problems.
Last summer, for example, researchers in a qualified eye hospital published Semaglutide’s patients, non-reported separation Optical optical optical optical optical optical optical optical optical optical optical optical neuropathy (noion), the possibility of a rare situation caused by blood flow. In the last December of this year, health officials in Denmark named After the other two of the Danish residents who find similar results for the European Union, then investigate the potential relationship between the use and region of GLP-1.
This is the last paper, published last month Jama Ophthalmologypresents nine cases in a row. There are people living Noion after starting a GLP-1 medicine in seven of the work; One type of inflammation of an optical nerve, prepared the papillit; Another advanced developed acute medium macopathy, macula, blood vessel in the blood vessel, which allows sharp visibility, damage to the blood vessel. In many cases, people’s vision ceased after the suspension of or suspended after using the medicine, although it was suspended, but no longer protected therapy without any problems.
Researchers are not a smoking weapon to prove that these individual situations cause this eye problems quickly.
“In this case, the serial study could not be determined if there was a relationship between these drugs and ophthalmic complications,” he said. And if there is such a reason, it can be more complicated than the first glance appears.
Another person, one person, 2 types of diabetes, is someone with someone who is characterized by a consistent high blood sugar. Researchers note that some cases of some papillitis are related to the rapid opening of the blood sugar, and they may be true for some cases. In other words, GLP-1 medicines, at least part of these cases, almost in these cases, it can almost cause these cases, not by any direct toxic effects of drugs. But there may be other triggers to think. Some cells in the optic nerve, GLP-1 receptors that provide another way to damage the eye function of these drugs.
In both cases, researchers say that this potential link is said to have more work to learn. Although rare, given how popular these drugs are popular in the world, a small increase in the risk of this can still affect many people. And opening the mechanisms behind this relationship may cause better care. These conditions are a speedy drop in blood glucose, as researchers believe that future cases are a slower departure in high-risk patients (GLP-1 therapy is usually given in an increase). Doctors also hope for the potential connection between their findings of their findings.
“We need extra work to test our hypothesis. However, it is an important issue for us to use these drugs and how well our patients communicate with our patients,” he said. in a statement from the university.