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Is very good? Try background 47 for the size

Open free editor’s words

Forget about what is good. The US Technology Serve The Promotion of a Game Only in town for investors. But some of the fashioned songs are still working even more. It’s time to look at a wonderful background 47.

600 stoked stoked 600 moskix called exactly, seven has been successful in about 190 percent at the same time.

The Squirty Line chart 600 Banks Index

The odd number is a valuable reminder to choose a series of time – return to the 2015 and bank and bank and bank. Mag 7 rises in 2,700 percent. However, it is emphasizing that at times, at times, quality stocks can revive their heads again.

Should Rally continue? When stocks had a stabbing, it is easy to breastfeed in cultures. Besides, no one likes to buy on top of the cycle, and the environment is really difficult. Banks continued in 2022 for similar key stocks fell the year – interest rates began to climb. But the prices fall again, which will ponder with interest.

However, they do not leave zero. Critics expect to return to normal equity to index to 2024 to 2025 and 72. That is twice in 2026. That is still taking_

According to the prices, it is easy to think that banks look at other places. Index sells near the value of a book, above the sum of 10 years of times 0.7.

But, like the chart of 7 shows, choosing the right day makes a big difference. European banks have been amazed at over a ten hour; For a long time, the usual book price is near 1.1 11 times.

Or compare with the rest of the world: Banks’s The KBW’s Index to match banks due to the price of the price from the same price.

Average Line-Monthly Line Chart indicates European banks is still cheaper than international peers

Another important degree is How much money Companies can return. To read schools generally, this department is currently submitting a full reward and 10 percent, outside their historic sum. That is successful in education.

Bank Stock Bank Passwords were in the past several years were helped by a very little point to start. Given the changing position and uncertainty around all from business wars up to local elections several years ago. But there is still a lot of extension before key values ​​get very good.

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