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Researchers analyze the surprising odor of ancient Egyptian mummies

Here’s a question you probably never thought: What does Egypt like Mummy?

The international team of international researchers has a surprising answer: if you are interested in woody, spicy and sweet (but you are interested in things that smell like rotten bodies, Check the corpse blossom). As detailed in a study published today Magazine of the American Chemical SocietyThe researchers used additional scientific methods to analyze the smells of ancient Egyptian mummies. This creative approach throws a new light on the fiancé mummy process and emphasizes the importance of olfacter inheritance.

“The smell of the fragmented objects has been a significant interest in experts and the general public, but to date,” Matija Strlič, “Chemist London (UCL) and leadership in University College, said in a university statement. “This foundation exploring helps us to actually protect us better plan and understand the ancient balm.” Add another data layer to enrich the museum’s museum exhibition. “

Egyptian mummy 6
Scientists covered the mummified bodies around. © Emma Paolin

Although Aromas is invisible to the human eye, in fact, it is chemical molecules. As a result, Strlič and his team used gas chromatography (a method of measuring the sampling components with an example) and a method of identifying combinations) in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Also, a professional person “Sniffers” (Yes, this) worked to describe the quality, intensity and flavor of specialists.

Through analyzes, researchers classified the smells from ancient mummy techniques, modern conservation products or potential pesticide remains and / or natural deterioration and completely non-invasive and destructive methods. As a result, Mirrh, Franrkense and tree resins, the needle, franr and wood resins, the needle, spicy and sweet, which are used as mummy, described the smell.

“New information by the odors, stressed the importance of using our feelings to understand our feelings to understand the past,” said Cecilia Bembibre, the hereditary scientist from the UCL

Human Sniffer 11.1
MMMM, Mummy: Emma Paolin, Emma Paolin, Ljubljana University, along with educational chromatographic instrument, co-author of education Emma Paolin. © uCl

“Detailed ritual, director of the Egyptian Museum, Director of Egyptian Museum, Director of Egyptian Museum, Director of Egyptian Museum and Balms, the Egyptian Museum, the Egyptian Museum. Defining techniques and materials, the concepts of the person in the form of the person, location and socio-economic status, offer mummies. ”

Especially pleasant smells were associated with divine and purity, and bad odors have signaled the researchers, corruption and (perhaps the most accurate) decay.

The team approaches can inspire museums to entertain guests with fragrances such as odors. In fact, researchers are now planning to rebuke the smell of ancient mummies to share this non-leaded approach to learn this non-profit approach, as well as ancient Obtority inherited.

So you try to learn something next time-The smells!

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