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Invictus Games Athletes on the impact of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Invictus Games athletes and more share cordial interactions with Prince Harry

Prince Harry Eric Charbonneau/Invictus Games Foundation through Getty Images

It has been over ten years since Prince Harry For the first time he launched Invictus – and this is a huge part of the reason why the event is still becoming strong.

Since the first Invictus games in March 2014, the celebration involving injured members of the military service has been growing. This year, 550 people from more than 20 countries gathered in Vancouver in Canada to participate in sport from 8 to 16 February and enjoy mutual societies.

While Harry and his wife, Meghan MarkleThey introduced a lot of work and promoted games and promoted games, something that could easily get lost is how a dedicated couple really really for an annual event. Us every week They talked to several participants of 2025 about their experience with meeting Harry and Meghan, and it is clear that the Duke’s passion is a big part of what invictus games do so special.

Invictus Athlete, who served with Prince Harry, describes in detail what the prince was in the fight

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Invictus athlete James Phelps knows what it is like to be in a fight – and after serving in Afghanistan with Prince Harry, he can confidently say that the Duke of Sussex as well. “He really understands,” James said, 44 years old, solely he told us a week, when he attended Invictus in Vancouver on Saturday 15 February in Vancouver (…)

Continue reading for exclusive quotes from Invictus Games athletes and others about working with Prince Harry.

Dominic Reed

Invictus Games athletes and more share cordial interactions with Prince Harry
Chris Jackson/Getty Images for Invictus Games Foundation Foundation

Reed, who serves as the CEO of Invictus Games, has worked with Harry for more than ten years. “I’ve been working with the Duke for almost 12 years.” And what I said to people who ask because people apparently ask, (it’s) his commitment is unrivaled, ”he said Our. “I think people have to understand that it was his vision.” He says the vision. I can not remember how many meetings I was on the board, not only through the delivery process in 2014, but since then I can think of one or two that he missed. He was always there. ”

These days Harry could take part in more of these meetings through the video, but that has not changed his determination and determination for the event. “He once described (Invictus Games) to be his other child,” Reed added. “That was a lilibet before (his daughter) and then quickly remedied,” My first child. “It’s a very important thing for him.”

“I think we’re all together,” Reed said. “You know, I made some remarks about my journey and I wasn’t hurt.” I was not deployed in fighting, but that was extraordinary for all of us. So, you know, 100 percent is committed. And he’s very good at work. ”

Joshua Shannon

Invictus Games athletes and more share cordial interactions with Prince Harry
Anthony Beauchamp

Shannon took part in several Invictus sports games, including snowboarding, sitting volleyball, basketball for wheelchairs, rowing and swimming and describing his experience with Harry and Meghan Markle as “humiliating”.

“He’s a very kind gentleman,” said Shannon, a former member of the US Air Force. “(Harry) took a lot of time from his life to come with us and spend a lot of time.” Yesterday I sat with them by the pool. ”

The royal couple came and took some photos with them (a) asked us how they were doing, “Shannon told us. “We had a meeting here in DCC, where he sat down with us, he and Meghan … It was nice.” It was nice, you know, he was humiliating. ”

Invictus Toronto 2017 - 1

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Prince Harry gave Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in warm hugs on Invictus 2025. exclusively acquired by the US week. After the couple accepted, they were (…)

James Wren

Invictus Games athletes and more share cordial interactions with Prince Harry
Dean Mouhtaropoulos/Getty Images for Invictus Düsseldorf 2023

The military member of the United Kingdom, who participated in internal rowing, alpine skier, bearer and basketball for a wheelchair in games, threw himself above the “fantastic” event. He added that Harry’s ability to combine “nations” and allow people to “postpone politics aside for 10 days” is “just a fantastic, fantastic opportunity”.

The British member of the Royal Legion Wren, who suffers PTSD after training exercises, went wrong in 2020 and was pulled under a war ship, added that “anyone who is injured, injured, sick veteran or serves to get it to help their healing. ”

Before joining Harry at 2025 peas in Canada, Wren met the Prince at 2023 in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Mike Murphy

Invictus Games athletes and more share cordial interactions with Prince Harry
Joern Pollex/Getty Images for Invictus The Hague games

Murphy, who was injured in deployment in Greece in 2018, said Our This year’s Invictus Games gave him his second opportunity to spend time with the Duke of Sussex – But he almost missed a chance.

Murphy’s fiancée recorded him snowboarding and “we were on the side of the mountain and someone comes, there are a lot of people,” Hey, guys well? “He remembered. “And we were just like,” Yeah, we focus on our video and try to make it fine -tuned. “And then we almost dropped this person and then I don’t see, so they tapped me a little and whispered. They said,” Hey, it’s Prince Harry. “

“And a great part of the interactions is that it is not just here for publicity,” Murphy continued. “He’s a real man.” So he sits there and makes jokes (like): “You know why blind people don’t have snowboard, right? It’s very difficult and scary. “I was glad,” Well, I’m here to break the barriers, sir. “So we went a little back and forth, we talked a little with him and his crew, walked down from the mountain and then run a few later, just before, just before Before I ended up in the race, he came to me. He said, “Wow, you really know how to snowboard. That was impressive. It was good to watch you. “”

Murphy also appreciated that Harry had a lot of military experience. “I think personally, from a military point of view what makes me feel most normal, are people who talk to you bullshit back and forth, just a friendship and let him share that moment where there is only one of the guys, It was a super cool. ” , ”He added. “And then it just there, it was just … it was definitely the peak I got there.” Snowboarding was fine. But having them, knowing the power he has on everyone is simply huge. ”

James Phelps

Invictus Games athletes and more share cordial interactions with Prince Harry
Michel Sauret

First participant in Invictus games, Phelps met Harry when they were deployed In 2012, according to his wife, Cynthie. “James and he put on together and their base was attacked when they were there, so we have great respect for it.” I know James Yes, because two marines were killed in action, and so knowing that shortly afterwards, the Invictus Foundation – that was, like two years after this attack, that Invictus games were founded – not to fall on Side -track, ”Cynthia said.

James said Our He appreciates how Harry “really understands” what his colleagues have experienced. “He has gone through situations like most of us, so only the true nature that puts it together for people who have experienced similar things is (strange),” he explained.

Cynthia added, “We know he put it together, right, but he’s a frontal man in this and every time he and Meghan, both, like, I think are hand in hand like you, you know, face to face , just tell us how much it means to them, and like, I know they weren’t, you know, people who have fully put it together that there is a huge team behind them, but only everyone but only everyone but only Every time we had some contact with them is right. ”

2025 Invictus Games Vancouver - Opening ceremony

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Samir Hussein/Samir Hussein/Wireimage through Getty Images Images Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were seen at the Invictus opening ceremony in 2025, encouraging competing athletes. Harry (40 years) and Meghan, 42 years, were photographed at the stalls when they watched the opening ceremony of the 2025 competition, which began on Saturday 8 February, and took place (…)

Jarek Neczypor

Invictus Games athletes and more share cordial interactions with Prince Harry
Anthony Beauchamp

The athlete, who competed in biathlon, rugby and swimming in a wheelchair, said he was part of a group that had breakfast with Harry and Meghan. “And it was absolutely incredible,” he said Our. “He was incredibly entertaining and down on earth and very articulated, and Meghan was extremely polite and asked us what sports we were doing.” They talked to us. ”

Harry reappeared while Neczypor competed for a rugby event for a wheelchair. “He gave us all the high fives, congratulations, hugs.” And he remembered us. And “Oh, great work. I knew you worried about it. Congratulations on bronze. You did such an amazing job. I loved this game you did. “It was really personal,” he added.

Harry also “gave rise to every country for every single country, and that’s what this special does. Prince Harry is a stunning character not only for merging in the army, but after his experience he took what he saw and did these games, ”Neczypor explained. “He’s a unique character, no one else.” There are a lot of people who serve in the army, a lot of people who have the opportunity to do amazing things, but without it it would not exist. ”

Ashley Christman

Invictus Games athletes and more share cordial interactions with Prince Harry
Michel Sauret

Christman, an active member of the US Army who was diagnosed with non -functional cancer, described Harry and Meghan as “Incredible human beings, full of love, full of generosity, full of compassion

“They took the time several times to visit and come out and see that they were competing, and they were very accessible every time and just warmed up, you know, it just looks as if they were also part of this family,” Christman said. “And he also has the history of service, which inspired him to hold his brothers and sisters in his arms with this organization and this opportunity with Invictus games, and it still looks as if he was just one of my brothers, the brothers in his arms.”

Reporting by Justin Ravitz

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