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Longtime Lawyer OJ Simpson reacts to SNL 50 Murder joke

OJ Simpson Long -term lawyer solves SNL 50 joke about murder charges

Steve Martin and John Mulaney during the SNL50 monologue 16 February 2025. Theo Wargo/NBC

OJ Simpson has been a popular topic of discussion for a long time Saturday night liveand show 50. Anniversary Special did not differ.

Former writer SNL John Mulalyy added a joke about the late football star in the look during Steve MartinMonologue on Sunday 16 February. Mulaney, 42, has used his time to consider the legal results of the shows since then Pant Premiere in 1975.

“894 people hosted. Saturday night liveAnd I am amazed that only two of them have committed murders, ”he said with a reference to Simpson and Robert Blake.

Simpson, who died in 2024, hosted an episode Pant In 1978 during the third season of the show. Blake, who died in 2023, hosted in 1982.

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Justin Simpson, the son of OJ Simpson, is sued by the property of his late father above the position of his house in Las Vegas, according to the court proceedings filed on January 6, who died in April 2024 at the age of 76, lived at 2,900 at 2,900- He lived in 2,900- Square-Noha Arbor Garden Avenue Home, which Justin’s Company, Primary Holdings, purchased in 2022 (…)

Malcolm LavergneSimpson’s long -time lawyer and executor of his estate, said TMZ The fact that Martin and Mulaney’s monologue were “great” and that Mulaney’s joke was “very fun”. He added that Mulaney’s delivery had forced the audience to think about two former hosts for a moment, leading to laughter.

Simpson was not found guilty in his infamous criminal proceedings for murder Nicole Brown Simpson and her girlfriend Ronald Goldman. Later he was found responsible for their death in a civic suit.

OJ Simpson Long -term lawyer solves SNL 50 joke about murder charges
TED SOQUI/SYGMA through Getty Images

Blake was arrested in April 2002 for the murder of his wife, Bonny Lee BakleyBut he was also liberated. Like Simpson, he was later found responsible for her death in a civic suit.

“He knew his place in society and did not fight against him, good or bad,” Lavergne said about Simpson. “He just lived his life: Golf, friends (rich or Joe Blue Collar), good food and hot young women.” And then it ended. End. ”

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OJ Simpson originally rose to fame as a football standout. After winning Heisman Trophy from 1968 at the University of Southern California, Buffalo Bills was selected as the total selection No. 1 in the 1969 design. Simpson left NFL in 1979 after playing 11 (…)

The lawyer said that if Simpson was alive to watch the specialty, he would be “indifferent” about the joke. He added that the audience should not forget either Alec Baldwinwho holds the record for most of the shows Pant As a host he did it 17 times.

But while Simpson and Blake faced murder accusations, Baldwin was charged with involuntary killing after fatal cameraman shooting HALNA HUTCHINS on A set of his film Rust. (Baldwin denied to squeeze the trigger on the prop -weapons.)

The judge in 2024 rejected the case against Baldwin, which led Lavergne to the joke that everyone who hosts Pant can “get away with the murder”.

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Myung J. Chun-/Pool/AFP through Getty Images NFL Star Oj Simpson was infamous for the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her girlfriend Ronald Goldman after a major court proceedings in the 90’s. The legal battle was one of the most famous criminal proceedings in American history and defining the moment of 90. Brown Simpson (…)

Although Lavergne had a sense of humor about a joke aimed at his former client, he was currently involved in a legal battle with Simpson’s son Justin, who lives in his father’s old house. Lavergne requires justin either to leave a property of 2,900 square feet or sign it.

“Either Justin writes a check on what has been postponed for real estate and increase in value, its own capital, which is probably about a quarter of a million dollars,” Lavergne said Las Vegas Review-Journal In January, “Or ownership can see and allow me to figure out what to do with the property.”

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