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Ausyury is $ 1B + assessment for a price for AI to 1b + a price, factory machines

As companies like Nvidia and SoftBank Fear for the future of the future, a start, a beginner has increased today for another side of the AI’s factory room in the factory room. AvityVibrations, vibrations, sound, temperature and other factors in how the cars work, the AI-based apparatus, which applies vibrations, sound, temperature and other factors – to determine when they need and mistaken, financed financing, financed financing, financing, financing financing, financing, financing It is worth a million dollars to bring both to new customers and continue to develop in technology.

To date, the company has followed more than half a billion hours of machine operations covering various equipment manufacturers and processing. “We have the biggest data collection of mechanical alerts,” he said. This information calls the “fault dictionary.”

“If you have a pump in your factory, you don’t need to build a model for your special machine,” he said, “Because we saw more than 20,000 pumps before.”

This capital investment is the first tranche of a series pound to be close to the company yet. Yoskovitz, the last amount will be about $ 100 million and the tour will be completed in recent months, he said. This refused to comment on the assessment other than confirming that it was a rising and more than $ 1 billion.

Lightrock leads this latest round with previous support. This is the list of Insight Venture Partners, Eclipse Ventures, Munich Rent Rental Capital, Qualcomm, Lerer Hippeau Enterprises and Gumra Capital, Israel’s late-table and several HQs in New York), led a $ 55 million round In 2020.

Augyury’s growth comes to the heels of a strong work, because in 2021, the last money is increased by large production companies such as Pepsico, Nestle and Dupont, as well as a list of existing companies Gas and energy sector by a partnership Baker HughesOne of the previous investors of the strategic provider of the main services of the energy sector.

As described by Yoskovovitz, the COVID-19 pandemia really puts the chains of attention around the world. However, the whole conversation was “digital transformation” in this, the industry has always been longer – expensive equipment is still rarely spread. Or, although it still works, you just need a little adjustment. Those with a typical life extend for decades in the industrial environment.

This is where Augyury comes from: The company can be wrong to listen to and observe how they work and observe this information to ensure that they understand what they do and to ensure what they understand.

This then becomes a guide for people who can correct cars. These people can be replaced by making robots, but they need information to understand what to do, which is a way of extending several people or a robot or a robot.

But at this time, very few robots used by Augyury’s clients. The more modern equipment (yet often do not do without robotics).

Augyury technology can be claimed to be another example of how the AI ​​away from people, but Yoskovitz provides something different:

“The biggest difficulty industry is actually a lack of talent,” he said. “There is a gap. All experts have an aging worker to retire in the next five or six years. At the same time, the next generation does not come because no one will want to work in production.”

When they add, it will know more than generations that they will be more responsible for more than generation and more.

To help Augyury’s solution to factories, “digitize knowledge” and those who work in them are to repair their equipment.

In this round, the leading investor is aimed at investing in sustainability, and it has become an interesting area in the last year – not because of the opportunity and optimism, but not because of optimism.

Paul Murphy summed up a common partner in Lightspeed, a passionate evidence called the situation “Riplimlim“In connection with the change of regulations and political climates, beginners and investors are considered continuously visible as an altruistic goal.

The next stage, for those who want to continue to put money for their own sustainability goals, this applicants should pay attention to this, but do not always establish solid enterprises.

This is an effective way that a reason for augryury and suppressing Lightrock.

Technologically, essentially green is an ideal to help them use manufacturers for longer than equipment.

“The work is still amazing today, but the cars installed in the factories are 20 or 40 years. It is a giant CAPEX participation and therefore do not change many parts in the factory. They do not grow and replace the cars. The company notes sustainability as an important focus on investment and Puri describes it as “continuous capitalism”.

“Augyury is a good example of a job that marries productivity with a green approach,” he said.

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