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Andrea Orcel said Ukraine Success can unlock Russian undue unit

Open free editor’s words

The Unitit can speed up from Russia if there is success in the UNRAINE Wilderness, the remaining Western Western Western Bander to remain in the country.

Told the end of the war can allow UNICREDIT To keep the best words after refusing to take care of its Russian unit with no “legal purchases” next to Moscow Ukraine attack on March 2022.

“If politics change, our ability to sell (an attractive Russian is more revised,” Orcel was confused in a discussion. “Therefore our way out is faster and numbers look very good. “

His comments come after the upper US and Russian officials had taken talks in Saudi Arabia this week About completion of conflictscare in Ukraine and its European allies that were not invited to the discussion.

While Europetététéété génété génété génété génété génété génété génété génété génété génété Génété génété génété gété gétaté gété génété génété génété Génété Génété Génété Génété Génété Génété Génété Génété Généératory and Ing Circle funding.

Exit operation is also remedied with other Western banks that need to adapt to the receipt of Russia Vladimir Purin. However, unicreddit has continues to work In the long time you are pressed by the designers and politicians to speed up.

Orcel said “a commitment from our Russian trading is very clear”.

“We have run away and we will finish this point.” “We can’t get back.”

The bank was part of the past three years with a large number of players to check all votes “but in its Russian business, we have not been able to go before”.

Russian country was a valuable market for a Italian farmer, and join 5 percent of the group last year. Rewards in its enterprise in the country took 9 percent on € 1.3bn in 2024, according to its new year’s result. The unit has contributed € 577mn in Netuits’ profits for the year.

However, Unicreddit has also reduced a lot in the country and says that it is in harmony with the needs from the European bank. Expects interest from Russian trading and “marginal” in 2027.

“Unless I am forced, I can’t sell Russia for euro’s euro or whatever not the right price,” Orcel said last week.

He also mentioned fffffffffffffff ft

“At the end of the war, which I hope is done in the right way, I assure you by eliminating uncertainty (and) investment, which will be very important, saying:” He said . “We watched carefully that we’ll have it.”

Even if not failing to deal with its Russian business, Unicreddit has been in a faculty at a moderate bank in Banking Europeans in the Europeans. The team took 28 percent holding German Business Trade and resumed an uncovered request for old home members.

However, unicreddit this week threatening to travel From BPM, when its building is left in the trade in CommerzBanzbank in Lambo Het Lambo Lambo in Italy and Germany, respectively.

WORSHIP ‘twice have passed in pumps politically. . . That should not be there, and to some degree – probably to some extent – great attacks – personal attacks, “Orcl told ft.

But yet it is on the two web festivals, it has led to Europe, in European Union, the author of union. It has been provided with all the debate in Europe that Europe needs to stand with its feet and meet for the debt. “

Asked in increasing relationships between Washington and European areas since the New Trump told us at two feet, which he described it – telephone “.

I guess we note obvious thing: that if we want to be able to protect our thoughts, demol, we need to protect them hard to protect them. In addition he was “hope” with the future of the country.

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