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The US Tech will pay a Trump’s consent price

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Note what you wish for. The sign with the breeze of sinald trump seems to be paying. In his first week, the US President deleted the command of Biden Ai and said that he wanted us to control the world with the wisdom of integrity. Her support has brought renewed self-confidence, which stimulates us scientific companies in Boost their stress For a residency in Brussels.

Even in the fact that US science companies enjoy being preferred with media bags to do not work well.

But the back injury rises. It is seen as symptoms and equipment of our energy at the time of rising frictions of ‘critical countries have already influenced.

One sign of this is the way that the companies look to be pulled until composes of new tat protesters.

Given his relationship to the President, companies with Elon Musk front in the fire line. Financial Times It is recorded This week the Tesla looked forward to measure its automobile software in the chanans chanons on the top of the Chinese mountain. There was a relief of a broad act. China It started New antistrust research in the alphabet and looks adding to the US prisons.

However, large injury continued before. In the years of the world’s rays were open to our appreciation in the world – there was everywhere that they would help us. With international order that runs in a strange change, which seems to be the past – even if he is a developed person gives us computers.

This short-term combination and long-term accident seems to be more clear than Europe.

Even though the US pressure, Brussels already demonstrated the signs of managing its purpose to talk to the employee. The Rabirls’ Dangers of Rebled – Tech highlighted by Mario Drashi, which was previously a European storage, which is improper. Writing to the last ftp last week, drayhi said that That uses the law to reduce technological risks, when the negligent goal had not done so much to strengthen the welfare of Europe in Europe.

With one sign of change, Brussels destroyed a plan to make assessment companies, but they too were threatened to keep the european school lining.

EU designers also have considered how they should use fast-active symptoms with the Tech Giants. It’s still the same to say that this will lead to the end of dollars of billion dollars.

However, many stores to be transferred in Europe during the early Trump weeks available in the office can produce the back of political. To their critics in Europe, scientist companies of the US suspicion confirmed their Digital suspicions, interested in physical and wealth than physical health.

Anxiety with our deliverance Recented Interest Eurostack’s memory “- completely cut in European Institute, from chin to the software processes.

Influence from such thoughts may not be too weak in a short time. There are no limits of other US technology, such as companies’ chips, and many companies of companies and so much software government do not have a freedom.

The question is that will rise as the US

Early efforts to build Europe’s European types – like Quaero investigation engine as ai robbing the Ai rabbits indicated, AI can be widespread to push.

For silicon powder, it is well-known for the president that makes the world better and vigorous energy. But they have been given their permission to his permission, they may have optional.

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