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According to a dietitian, you should be aware of the types of magnesium

Types of magnesium Myfitnesspal

Magnesium is a mineral that makes a critical role in more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body (Just). But different types of magnesiums offer different advantages. So knowing different types of magnesium can be very useful.

Protein synthesis, nervous operation, control of blood glucose, requires blood pressure regulation and energy production, “says Diet in Dietary Diets in Mycess,1).

Beyond these general advantages, magnesium accessories are gaining popularity for accurate well-being goals for better sleep, digestive regularity and facilitating muscle tension (1, And).

If you consider the additional magnesium, some different forms are known. Continue reading to learn about taking an additional magnesium and how to choose the right type for your needs.

Do you need to take an additional magnesium?

It is essential for many body functions, a lot of magnesium is supplied for many. The data suggest that half of adults get poor magnesium through food (Just). So an accessory could be useful for some. Consult your doctor before adding vitamins or nutrients, especially if you have health conditions, if you have pregnant or nursing or take medications that can interact or interact.

People who do not get enough of magnesium are:

  • Older adults (1Diagnies
  • People with diseases like celiac and crohn disease (JustDiagnies
  • People with type 2 diabetes (JustDiagnies
  • People with alcohol dependence (1Diagnies
  • Athletes (1Diagnies
  • People who take some medications (JustDiagnies

Accessories can be helpful for people with certain health conditions:

  • Migraines (1Diagnies
  • Until-legged syndrome (1Diagnies
  • Insomnia and sleep problems (AndDiagnies
  • Muscle tension (1Diagnies

That said, taking magnesium accessories when you don’t really need it isn’t a great idea. Additional diarrhea can lead to side effects such as nausea or stomach stomach, especially if it is taken at high doses (1).

And Mercer says you can hardly do it if you consume a balanced diet (Just).

Types of magnesium

Some types of magnesiums are easier in the digestive system so that relaxation and a good opportunity to sleep (And). Others may be harder to absorb your bodies, but it can be effective as heart burns (Just).

Here are the overview of six different types of magnesiums, as well as situations that focus.


  • What is best: This form can help relieve the occasional constipation (4). Draws in the bowels and smoothing water (4).
  • Accessories: Some people are sensitive to magnesium citrate and may have side effects such as cramping or diarrhea (4).


  • What is the best: this kind is known for relaxation and sleeping, because it combines magnesium with glicin, a amino acid that knows its calming effects (And). This is the ability of the mineral to reduce stress and promote sleep rest (And).
  • Accessories: The stomach is smooth, perfect for digestive issues with other types of magnesium (And). While many types of magnesium can help relaxation, anxiety, sleep and stress, I often suggest magnesium glycinatin, because it can cause side effects (And).


  • What is best: This is often used to relieve heartJust). However, compared to other forms of biodisponibility, it means that the body is added to the mineral from this supplement (Just).
  • Accessories: Magnesium oxide is helpful to manage acid reflux, which can be a laxative effect, so it is not ideal for people who tend to tend to stomach discomfort (Just).

Around experts

Samantha Cassetty, MS, RdIt is an expert in food and nutrition known at the national level, the educational identity, food consultant and the author. Cassetty is a former director of nutrition and is the author of the author of the book sugar shock book.

Daisy Mercer, RDHe is a commissioner of food data in MyFitnesspal. He graduated from the Food Sciences and Dietetics of the University of Colorado and completed its dietary practice with the Health System of the VA San Diego.


  • What is best: This type can be a good opportunity to fight tablets, because it is often found in liquid mode (7). It is also used in topic products, creams and other applications to calm the muscles (7).
  • ACCESSORIES: This form is well absorbed and likely to create a laxative effect, making it possible for people with digestive problems (7).


  • What is best: Malic acid, combined with magnesium, produces energy within the cells. Malacational magnesium is particularly attractive to fatigue and pain against fibromyalgia (And).
  • ACCESSORIES: Although the evidence of magnesium malate connects to these terms, some anecdotal reports and small studies can improve symptoms (And). This form is usually well tolerated and less likely compared to forms like magnesium citrates or oxide (7).


  • What is best: Increasing low magnesium levels
  • ACCESSORIES: This form of magnesium is used for specific health concerns, but it has been absorbed quite well (7).
Types of graphic magnesium
Magnesium Primary use Recommended dose Is the investigation supported? Possible side effects
Magnesium citrate Relieves constipation (4Diagnies Up to 350 mg (JustDiagnies Yes (4Diagnies Diarrhea, angrily stomach (4Diagnies
Magnesium glicinata Promotes relaxation; can sleep (AndDiagnies Up to 350 mg (JustDiagnies Some evidence (AndDiagnies Usually a smooth stomach, but a smooth stomach in larger doses (AndDiagnies
Magnesium oxide Relieves heart attack (JustDiagnies Up to 350 mg (JustDiagnies Yes (JustDiagnies Diarrhea, stomach cramps (JustDiagnies
Magnesium chloride Improves the state of magnesium (7Diagnies Up to 350 mg (JustDiagnies Yes (7Diagnies Nausea, light gastrointestinal (7Diagnies
MAGNESSION MAURRATION Facilitates muscle pain and fatigue (AndDiagnies Up to 350 mg (JustDiagnies Some evidence (7Diagnies Stomach stomach (7Diagnies
Magnesium lactate Can help correct the deficiencies (7Diagnies Up to 350 mg (JustDiagnies Yes (7Diagnies Nausea, the anger of digestion (7Diagnies

How to choose the best magnesium supplement for you

When you are ready to add an additional magnesium to your routine, these five steps can help you select the appropriate.

  1. Consider your goals. Are you looking for a supplement that can help improve the sleep, relax or relieve constipation? Choose your type of magnesium accordingly.
  2. Think about your stomach. If you are sensitive to gastrointestinal (GI), consider Magnesium Glicinata is well tolerated (3).
  3. Find third-party certificates NSF, USP or Test This helps ensure power and safety – your accessory is free from unwanted add-ons, like heavy metals (7, 9).
  4. Read the label. Choose products that include the type of magnesium and dose of each serving, rather than a propertative mix of components listed for the mixture (10).
  5. Check unnecessary fillingsAdditives, colors and allergens (11). These can appear in accessories, so do it with your responsibility.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the best type of magnesium to be taken?

The best type depends on your needs. Glicinatina can be a good choice if you have sensitive gastrointestinal (GI) sensitive system (And).

What is the difference between magnesium citrate and magnesium glicinate and magnesium oxide?

Magnesium is linked to different types of carriers to maintain stable and improve absorption. However, these carriers may contain citrates, gliccinates and oxides, biodisponity and uses. Citrate helps to promote regularity and well absorbed. Glycinate can promote relaxation and can sleep with minimal side effects, and magnesium oxide is less biodicable, but often used for heartburners (4, Just, And).

What is the problem of magnesium glycinate?

It is usually well tolerated, but high doses can cause digestion anger in certain people (And).

What kind of magnesium is the weight loss?

Research indicate that the consumption of magnesium may be inversely with obesity, so enough magnesium can be a long-term strategy for weight management (12).

Lower line

If you are looking to relieve muscle tension, improve sleep quality or manage the health of digestion, additional magnesium can be helpful to your routine welfare (4, And, 7). Understanding different forms of magnesium and their specific advantage allows your choice to suit your health needs (Just, 7).

Post According to a dietitian, you should be aware of the types of magnesium first appeared MyFitnessPal Blog.

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