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Car Excini Crystal Brown Circnova, how was the biotech of the AI ​​drug discovery

Tiny Michigan Biotech Start Sirkhova “Ramed RNT” raised a $ 3.3 million seed slot for the technology that uses AI to use the EU. The development promises as a new method to quickly develop treatment for non-drug treatment conditions.

The new funding co-founder and CEO Crystal Brown is a victory lap to find a non-traditional way to become a biotechnic founder.

RNA or ribonucleic acid is the main molecule that helps to make genetic information into proteins. Round RNA is a relatively new discovery class that forms a circle than a rope. The critical biological processes regulate and hope that these molecules-based therapies will be able to target complex health problems.

Circnova, “We have developed a” owner of a “owner, which allows us to identify, design, coding, circular RNAs, novel, coding, circular RNAs.

This is an AI engine similar to Google, at the same time deep learning AI – a kind of LLM – create and analyze a new circular RNA for therapeutic use.

Not only Novaenine, not only Novaenine, the first, which could predict circular RNA structures in the world, also has a wet laboratory. This means that the AI ​​engine then produces the actual physical molecules to be confirmed and explored with the University of Michigan.

“We can reverse an engineer. We can go to the structure from the sequence. When the molecule development, we can go from the structure.

The goal is to treat diseases that we have not treated so far, such as ovarian cancer, triple breast cancer, nevodegenerative diseases, rare genetic diseases. “

Tech, Cirnova Cofounder Joe Dealo, Biotech Neochromosom’s previous CEO, as well as the previous CSO CSO Director General of the Apex Bioscension. Investor William Grenawitzke is the third co-founder of the head business official and the beginning.

Lessons from a failed start

Brown, about seven years ago, because of the fact that such a company seems to be the impossible builder, his career was in the production industry.

When he introduced a friend a friend of a friend to a CEO, he thought the ladder climbed to be a CEO. The starting CEO was looking for a business manager.

Maraqlı, qəhvəyi, browns, işgüzar müddətə iş müqavilələrini əsaslı təmir etmək kimi başlanğıcda kömək etmək üçün avtomatik fabriklərdən biznes taktikası gətirən part-time-time-time-time-time.

Some friends, with questions about friends, they took peppers with questions and said to leave the car in Biotech and work full.

“Who I was not, nobody will take me seriously. I have never learned biology. I learned Poli Sci and women’s studies.”

However, he received a mass paid by taking a paid by the six-digit work in the level of experience, anyway. The beginnings raised money and learned that he was working for the director of the operation. The company went out to the public by giving a healthy payment to buy a house.

Started successfully, he started a biotech start, the contract research laboratory.

He raised the money, then made all the classic first founding mistakes. “I hired people very quickly. I opened my laboratory,” he said.

In the two years, his beginning burned with its own funds and knew it was necessary. Broke her heart and bank account. He even lost his house and remembered.

However, he won a perfect reputation in the startup community of Michigan’s intense triness, and VCS reminds him of the “good builder in any case. Several, he said they were open to finance his next opinion.

Knowing that it will be available for a new enterprise soon began to send DEANGELO scientific material in a round RNA. There was an opinion on how to use AI’s discovery.

“It remembers to send me every morning at 5:30 am at 5:30 in the morning.” “I didn’t even close another company to every side.”

However, he was convinced that this idea could work and grown. They founded Cirnova in May 2023.

“I walked in a few things on the wall and walked in with a lot of caution. What can I do with a $ 15,000 grant to get started?”

This first spending has developed the first process of initialization and caused the first patent to the first patent other than a National Science Foundation Grant.

They began to share the time between Michigan and Boston, close to customers and wish lists as modern and pfizer.

As we bet on brown, like Nia Batts, like a general partner in Union heritage enterprises, there was no problem with this.

“We are not regularly strangers when participating in the journey of entrepreneurship,” he said.

This 3.3 million-dollar seed tour diversity-oriented VC was managed by South turning institutions, and the drilling song, Union Heritage, Michigan Rise, Detroit, Kalamazoo forward enterprises and spark capital investment.

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