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New Mexico informs that Texas Basamps Outbreak has now crossed its border

He Texas department State Health and Services (DSHS) has been tracking an increasing measles outbreak that has almost doubled in the last two weeks.

When it was first reported on February 5 in Gaines County, officials warned that there would be additional cases.

“Due to the highly contagious nature of this disease, additional cases are likely in Gaines County and the surrounding communities,” the alert said.

The outbreak is the worst Broken in decades And now highly contagious disease has spread to New Mexico.

A vial that contains the rubella measles vaccine is sitting on an ice package

A road that contains the measles-rubella vaccine is sitting on a backpack. (Shrestha/Nurphoto ups through Getty Images)

The measles outbreak continues to get worse among children in this US state.

The New Mexico Health Department (NMDOH) is testing residents and has confirmed three cases last week, which takes its total to eight.

The cases comply with the criteria of disease control and prevention outbreaks due to the three unrelated cases in Lea County, which border the Gaines County.

Although New Mexico’s outbreak is close to proximity, a connection remains unconfirmed.

“We are investigating all suspicious cases, and we encourage sick people with symptoms consisting of measles to seek medical attention,” said Dr. Chad Smelser, an deputy state epidemiologist of NMDOH.

Child with blushed cheek rash

Viral disease Measles of measles in the child’s body. Allergy. (Istock)

Texas confirms that the growing measles outbreak that affects school -age children

As with many other cases, six of the eight infected They were not vaccinated. There are four adults and four minors. Two of the adults say they believe they were vaccinated when they were children.

NMDOH has notified potentially exposed individuals and is providing prevention guidance. They have He issued a statement which contains a list of locations warning people who visited during specified times may have been exposed.

Measles in a male torso

Health officials are investigating a measles outbreak in Texas. (Istock)

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Lea County offers free vaccines without aiming at five public health vaccination clinics during the next two weeks.

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