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Star Wars did not need order 66 to kill all Jedi

According to Chris Snellgrove
| Published

IN Vengeance SithWe saw the Palpatine’s depiction Order 66 Command to kill the clone soldiers throughout the galaxy, while Darth Vader had accused of killing the one who survived. For this reason, Vader and Palpatine are generally considered to be the only reason why these iconic Peace Rangers were at all hunted and killed. The speed at which the senators of the republic throw support for their emperor with their own independently reveals something surprising: order 66 was probably unnecessary because the Jedi are secret Hated So much around the galaxy.

Order 66 and Jedi

Obviously, fans combine the order of 66 and Jedi genocide together because of the cuts of scenes in which we see the clones betray and kill their superiors sensitive officers. However, to understand my theory, you must instead focus on a scene in which Palpatine is installed as an emperor to a encouraging crowd of elected officials. Fallen greatly notes that “Liberty is dying this way … with a stormy applause.”

It is probably the best series of predecessors, but most fans have never thought about what this scene revealed about the Galactic Senate and most of its members. Palpatine did not have to think individually all these people to support his fascist agenda … instead they voluntarily went with him. And when the new emperor described that they were betrayed and crippled by these cosmic wizards, most of the senators gathered did not even blink the eye.

Therefore, consider this: If Palpatine has never given 66 orders, did the Jedi really last much longer? It seems that the sentiment has grown against them for a very long time. Long enough to return the goodwill they have accumulated 25,000 years Keep this galaxy far away, far safe. It seems that all of these individual planets would begin to kill Jedi for too long, and while the process would take longer, the end result does not differ from Palpatine and Vader’s imperial purification.


In addition, if you doubt that senators could do as good work as an order 66 Jedi, consider this: As with any other representative Republic, these elected officials are supposed to represent the will of their collective people. So every senator who is related to the Palpatine story of Jedi’s betrayal and the subsequent need for cleaning is therefore an effectively representing his entire planet. And if there were that Many whole planets in Galaxy Baying for Jedi Blood are fair to conclude that these days of mystics were well and truly numbered.

Obviously, this theory is not to limit the importance of order 66. If not for Palpatin’s command, then countless Jedi all around the galaxy would still be alive. However, it should be remembered how much it seemed that the average senator hated these power users and spoke of their planets when he announced the explicit support support of the Jedi genocide. As this we must conclude that Palpatine only accelerated this process and it was only a matter of time before the residents of the Galactic hunted and killed the Jedi of their own will.

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