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The first month of Donald Trump.

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The first 30 days of the Donald Trump Circuit in the White Hall has been a rhythm of high orders, rules and disputes.

Since he was deducted on January 20, the President expelled many strategies in a fast gut, including Rates Against China and Allies, to open interviews with Russian President Eliminating its Ukraine attack and prevent a war in Gaza.

He also extends effort to cover To release federal money and chase thousands of government staff many government agencies, including US US Foreign Assistance Arm, USAID.

Here is a numeric look after the first trump month in the office.

Tsunami of high orders

Trump It was on the road to expel his first people in his original instructions and passed their month after the last 30 days.

Instructions have between departments and strategies. A few have had a serious impact, such as the establishment of the government’s operation, which is illegal coughs by Elon Musk, although government refuses by the organization. Doge fat led to the elimination of more than 10,000 State government (even if some are able to be eliminated by law).

Some orders have been captured court discounts, such as challenge to an elderly birth citizenship, which is attached to the Constitution and has been blocked by many judges.

But there has also been a small impact that have a small visual impact on his supporters, to restore freedom of speech ‘, which he accused Joe Biden.

To turn on binding

One of the Trump key campaign was supposed to lower the cost of living. Although it’s early in the morning when it sees the effect of new Presidential billing from the data month, obviously a clear price stays stubborn. For the month of January, customers’ purchase buyers 3 percent from last year, the Federal Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve 2.

Inflation is being issued by The price of eggsset out after farmers kill the millions of chickens to stop the flu of Avian flu. According to staff counterparts, egg prices rated 151 topics .2 months ago – greater increase since June 2015.

High prices do not help to be well-known. Many Americans, or 62 percent, in SSRS and CNN’s Home said the President is not too far away to reduce daily supplies.

According to a Home In Ipsos and Washington’s post, 53 percent of Americans do not match economy – the highest level of discomfort during reviewing the time of the first mothers.

Quoted response to billing

Since the Office, Trump declared Many parfs To lead different countries and objects, although not easy.

However, his 25 horseptual notifications in a metal and aluminums that may expect Uneasiness To us our businesses from producers to the oil and gas vapors.

Stock squares, however, appear it’s useless with anticipation of plans.

Sluggish rating

Trump Trump Permit of Trump Percent of 49 percent is higher than that in the first time before, but still filled behind five tolls.

The United Nation also seems to be divided with Trump’s operation, with 47 percent say they are not accepted.

However, they support Trump’s violations. According to SSRS and CNN’s Review of January55 percent of the treacherous ones are happy with the expellation of the President or you want her to go.

The poll also received Trump’s suggestion to take ‘Gaza earlier than 85 percent of 40 percent of the Repubspens.

To command the drivers

In the first week of Trump’s speech, immigrant and iceberg, or iceberg, is caught by unpleasant immigrants. On February 26, a corporate organization was held about a thousand one day.

But the most recent scores are highly printed in social media secure, which makes it difficult to pour out how many people are first.

According to the NBC content, treated badly fell to 300 the first week of January. The lack of space has also focused until the end of 461 immigrants who had carried out first immigrants who were suffering from previous immigrants.

Last week, two upper extremities of the ice were drowned While stress grows in the department to increase its infection.

In addition to the ice held, illegal fields fell in January from January and 4,000 feet in December.

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