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The Orville: New Horizons pays the perfect hold of Babylon 5

According to Jonathan Klotz
| Published

After a lengthy break thanks to the Covid pandemic, the beloved series Sci-Fi Seth MacFarlane finally returned, dubbed Orville: New HorizonsThe series looked better than ever with the largest budget, and the result was one of the largest sci-fi series. It’s not bad for the show that started as a tribute Star Trek: Another generationBut in season 3, the threat of war that is close to the universe and more fractions that Jockeying for strengths think of another show: Babylon 5. MacFarlane is a separate fans of science fiction classic 90 years. And during the 3 season he did it by boarding John Sheridan, Bruce Boxleitner, as Alcuzan, President of the Planetary Union.

Bruce Boxleitner is again president

Bruce Boxleitner as President Alcuzan Orville

In the “gentle falling rain”, crew Orville It unfolds in the Simulator program for the environment, the pub crawls through history, the popular Lieutenant Malloy’s (Scott Gimes) when they get a word that they accompany the delegation of the planetary trade unions to sign the Krill Treaty, which in the new era. This means that the crew will join the Honorary Rangers in the Hungry to welcome Alcuzan on board when he honors the President of the Planetary Department in space, but pays tribute to the role of Bruce Boxleitner as John Sheridan. The Babylon 5 The veteran is difficult to recognize in his bulbous blue prosthetics, but his voice, from the moment he stepped out of the shuttle, brings fans back to the season 2 of the pioneering series J. Michael Stracyznyiki.

Orville: New Horizons My crew that wiped against the strongest beings in its universe, and although the honorary guardian is a small and partially drunk, Alcuzan is the only one who has ever got one on board the ship. MacFarlane has again a chance to honor one of his favorite science fiction Stars, both at the initial moment of his arrival and later, when Alcuzan is placed in an uncertain situation about the balcony. Each Babylon 5 Fan wanted Alcuzan to jump alongside, and although this time he is saved, it is an entertaining tribute to Sheridan jump into the abyss.

From Star Trek to Babylon 5 in three seasons

Alcuzan fits his position as President of the Planetary Union and on the front does not reach the crew of Orville; Instead, it seems to be a statement and welcomes Kylon to the Planetary Union. It can be the role of a guest star but Orville: New Horizons transforms a series for Star Trek tribute to a Babylon 5 The tribute and Boxleitner slipped into his role as a sci-fi of an older statesman. The battle between the two contradictory alliances, with Krill and Mallans on the one hand and the planetary union and kylons on the other, does not interfere with the high height of the 90’s space opera. .

Fans are considering Orville be one of the best shows of Star Trek ever created, and while Babylon 5 Fans are used to nothing that is approaching close narration and complex growth of characters of a unique series New horizons. It is not just a boxleitner that sounded as if no time has passed and clearly enjoyed its time on sci-fi set again, but double crosses, political movements and lack of easy answers to a solution in which everyone made a morally questioned decision recalls shadow war. It is not bad for the embarrassing comedy series that has manifested itself in episode 1 foreign Bathroom habits.

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