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It has been shown that a medication prescribed outside of label helps some nonverbal children with autism to discover the ability to speak.
The medication, Leucovorin, is a prescription vitamin that works similar to folic acid, which helps to restore folate levels in patients who may have difficulty absorbing or using it, according to Katy Dubinsky, a pharmacist in New York and CEO and Vitalice vitalize co -founder, a private supplements company.
“Leucovorine is approved by FDA to reduce the toxic effects of high dose methotrexate in cancer treatment and prevent or treat certain types of anemia caused by folate deficiency,” Dubinsky told Fox News Digital.
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While Leucovorin is not prescribed for the treatment of autism, some families have discovered that their label use has led to significant improvements in the communication skills of autistic children, experts say.
Richard E. Frye, MD, PHD, a behavioral child neurologist in Arizona, has studied the medicine in its investigation of experimental treatments for children with autistic spectrum disorder.
It has been shown that a medication prescribed outside of label helps some nonverbal children with autism to discover the ability to speak. (Istock)
“Leucovorin is a special form of vitamin B9 that is soluble in water and does not accumulate in your body,” he told Fox News Digital.
“It has been found that folates are long -term safe for many years and that is why we complement our food with folate.”
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The main benefit of leukovorine for children with autism is the improvement in language, Frye said, but other advantages may include an improved social function, reduced repetitive behaviors and stronger attention skills.
“Our goal is to obtain the FDA approved by leucovorina for autism so that it can be widely prescribed to children as one of the first treatments once they are diagnosed.”
“We found that Leucovorin helps a substantial number of children with autism,” he said. “Language is one of the most obvious things, so that is what we measure in our clinical trial.”
Dr. Marc Siegel, The clinical professor of Medicine at Nyu Langone Health and the Senior Medical Analyst of Fox News, also spoke with Fox News Digital about why the medicine can have this positive impact.
While leukovorine is not prescribed for the treatment of autism, some families have discovered that their labeling use has led to significant improvements in the communication skills of children with autism. (Istock)
“The central deficiency of folate is a lack of folate in the brain, which can interfere with neurological function,” he said. “It has been found that a high percentage of children with autistic spectrum disorder have antibodies against alpha folic receptor in the brain.”
Leucovorina becomes folding in the brain by a different path, Siegel said.
“Small studies show that it improves neurological function and communication skills in children with ASD, but larger studies should be done.”
The fact that leucovorina has already been used in the long term helps reduce the associated risk, according to doctors.
“One of the advantages of the use of leucovorina is that it has been used for decades to protect the body from the effects of chemotherapy, so we know what dose to use and any side effect it may produce,” Frye to Fox News Digital told Fox News.
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However, some children become “extremely hyperactive”, do not respond to leukovorine and end needing alternative treatments, said the doctor.
It is important that families work with a medical professional by exploring the use of leucovorina for autism, he advised.
The drug leukovorine is a prescription vitamin that works similar to folic acid, which helps restore folate levels in patients who may have difficulty absorbing or using it, according to a pharmacist. (Istock)
“Leucovorina is administered at much higher doses than regular vitamins, so it is very important to work with a doctor with knowledge about how to prescribe it,” said Frye.
“It is important to try the patient to obtain abnormalities in the folate route, such as the autoantibody of the folate receiver, so we know they are candidates for this medication.”
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While Leucovorin is available in the pharmacy, Frye said that some children need a compound form because they are sensitive to some of the additives in commercial products.
“Our goal is to obtain the FDA approved by leucovorina for autism so that it can be widely prescribed to children as one of the first treatments once they are diagnosed,” he said.
Frye said that “there is no magic bullet” for autism, with many children who benefit from a combination of multiple treatments. (Istock)
Dubinsky agreed that doctors can prescribe the “widely used and well tolerated drug” for the treatment of autism based on their “clinical judgment and emerging evidence”, but also emphasized the importance of clinical trials.
“While doctors can prescribe Leucovorin now, the approval of the FDA would provide a stronger medical support, which makes it a recognized treatment instead of an off -label option,” he told Fox News Digital.
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“This could lead to insurance coverage, standardized dosing patterns and broader acceptance in the medical community.”
Siegel added that Leucovalin is a “safe drug” and should be considered for large -scale use based on recent research findings.
Frye said that “there is no magic bullet” for autism, with many children who benefit from a combination of multiple treatments.
“It is unlikely that Leucovorin is used alone, it should be used with behavioral and speech therapy,” he said. “We believe that Leucovorin can improve the results for these therapies.”
“There is little evidence to suggest that the benefits observed in this individual case can be generalized to the broader autistic community.”
Andy Shih, PHD, scientific director of Autism Speaks in New York, said that each child’s experience with autism is unique.
“There is little evidence to suggest that the benefits observed in this individual case can be generalized to the broader autistic community,” Digital Fox News told Fox.
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“While some small studies have explored leucovorina as a potential treatment for people with autism, larger controlled clinical trials are needed to determine their efficacy and safety. We urge families to consult with their doctors before considering the treatments not labeled “
Dubinsky added that if larger studies confirm the effectiveness of Leucovorin, it could become a more accessible treatment for children with autism that can benefit from it.