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Tiktker Gizem Ozmen Dead at 24 After Crash: Report

Tiktoker gizem ezmen dead in 24
With the kind permission of Giz Özmen/Instagram

Turkish influence Gizem Özmen has allegedly died after a car accident. She was 24.

Özmen, best known as Lavinia Özmen on Tiktokdied after a collision of traffic in Manisa, according to Monday 17 February, report from Cnnturk. The star of the social media and another individual who was not publicly identified, allegedly died when their car crashed into the tanker parked in the emergency lane.

CNN also said that the coercive bodies and the first respondents were sent to the scene where the Özmen and the driver of the vehicle were pronounced.

Further details have not been revealed and investigations are underway.

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Özmen was active in tiktoku and accumulated 200,000 followers. She last published on Monday before the CNN report and the comments have been flooded with “RIP” reports since then.

She also had more than 26,000 followers InstagramWhere she often opened on the hardships she faced during her childhood. Last time he published on Instagram on February 9 to share a similar story of a woman named Ela.

Many Özmenian followers expressed in the comments section their condolences.

“Rest in peace.” “One translated message is, while the other says,” We have a new story. The name of our story is Lavinia (WHO) has lost her life in a traffic accident. ”

Another social media user felt a specific relationship for similar educational people.

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“I talked to her for a while, we didn’t know each other, but we became friends on social media,” the fan replied. “I knew her story, our story was almost the same, but now after her death she is really very painful and very sad that his videos came across us like this.” Whenever I see it, I get emotional. Rest in peace and rest in peace 🤍 May Allah give his relatives of patience. ”

Other users of social media called Özmen “a very good man (a) sister”.

“May God rest her soul in peace.” 🤍 It took a long time 🥺🥀“Reads another message.

As Özmen would share a series of anonymous stories The trauma was nicknamed “Lavinia, the voice of silent battles.”

“She was so strong, she always talked about the fight.” She said that no matter what happens, she had to fight in her life, ”added another instagram commentator at the beginning of this week. “Maybe that was why I liked all thousands of influences.” So strong, such a warrior, I can’t believe it is gone. ”

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