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Withdrawn popular treatment products due to the unplanned ingredient

A chocolate treat product was withdrawn after it was discovered that some bags can contain dairy products that were not on the label.

“Kayco, a Bayonne company, NJ, is remembering its black glicks chocolate roots because (they) can contain not declared milk“A Kayco statement posted on the Food and Medicines Administration website of February 21 said.

“People who have a severe allergy or sensitivity to milk are at risk of severe or potentially deadly allergic reaction if they consume these products.”

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The products were distributed to stores throughout the country, but they were predominantly in the regions of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut during the weeks of October 13, 2024 until February 14, 2025, “the company said.

In addition, some sweet bags were bought on Amazon.

Robets that were removed from the market.

The products removed from the market can contain milk chocolate instead of black chocolate. (Kayco)

He The retirement was initiated After the company’s quality control department found that a “limited number of bags” that were supposed to contain black chocolate robes actually contained the variety of milk chocolate.

Milk chocolate clutchs contain an allergen of milk “that is not declared on the label,” Kayco said.

The withdrawal only applies to the packages with 02092024 as a lot code, according to the statement. It was not clear how many bags accidentally contained milk chocolate products.

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“We immediately inform all the retailers who had bought this lot code on this retirement and told them to inspect their inventory or eliminate any potential product affected on their shelves,” said Kayco.

Anyone who has a product with that lot code “can return the product for credit or refund. If a consumer experiences an allergic reaction, they are urged to inform a medical provider,” according to the statement.

FDA signal outside the headquarters.

The Retirement was published on the FDA website on February 21. (Reuters/Andrew Kelly/File Photo)

Kayco is a Kosher food company.

“A family business since 1948, our goal has always been and continues to offer products with the most rigorous Kosher standards, the highest levels of quality and value,” says its website.

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Those who Follow the Kosher Rules Do not mix milk and meat products, and the food products that are certified kosher that contain dairy products are certified as “kosher dairy”.

“All derived foods or that contain, milk are classified as dairy, which include milk, butter, yogurt and all cheese, hard, soft and cream. Even a small amount of dairy can make a food considered dairy products,” the Ok Kosher Kosher the certification website says.

FDA headquarters

The FDA said there were no adverse reactions known to the product. (Istock)

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In addition to possible allergens, the possible confusion in the products could make someone violate the religious dietary rules.

Kosher foods that do not contain meat or dairy are labeled as “Pareve”. Black Glicks Chocolate Robtos are certified as “Pareve”, and Glicks Milk Chocolate Robs are “dairy”.

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