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As egg prices are raised, 3 breakfast recipes without a dietitian

The eggs have a great demand, and a high price.

As the supply of the Basic food for breakfast Dwindles, some look for egg alternatives.

Registered Dietitian Melanie Marcus, Manager of Nutrition, Welfare and Communications of Dole Food Company in Charlotte, North Carolina, shared some simple recipes that do not include eggs.

Egg prices reach high record

“These recipes are not only more affordable than traditional egg dishes at this time due to high egg prices, they are also easy and healthy, They are two essential elements for me, “he told Fox News Digital.

The signs in a Florida grocery store warn customers about a shortage of eggs.

The signals indicate: “Due to supplies shortage, availability can be limited in the coming weeks,” in the egg section of a grocery store on January 23, 2025, in Miami, Florida. (Joe Raedle/Getty images)

“You can find tofu, linen seeds, canned chickpeas and bananas in almost all supermarkets, and you don’t need to be a gourmet chef to create something incredible.”

Here are three Recipes without egg Recommended by Marcus.

Breakfast tacos full of protein

Tofu breakfast wraps

Breakfast tacos full of protein are made with tofu, sweet potatoes and several peppers. (Dole Food Co.)


1 tablespoon of avocado oil

½ big sweet potato, peeled and finely chopped

1 Triple Quinoa and Collized Salad Recipe

1 package (14 ounces) tofu signer, drying and chopped

½ medium red pepper finely chopped

¼ cup more additional spicy sauce to serve

12 (6 inches) thin white corn tortillas

1 Jalapeño pepper, in fine slices

½ cup of roasted pickles without salt

2 files, cut into wedges

breakfast tacos

“I love to show families how easy and delicious can be a diet and plant -based lifestyle,” Marcus said. (Dole Food Co.)


1. Hot the oil in a large pan over medium heat.

2. Add sweet potato; Cover and cook 10 minutes or until golden and tender, stirring occasionally.

3. Add salad, tofu and pepper; Cover and cook 8 minutes or until the vegetables are tender, stirring occasionally.

4. Add the spicy sauce; Remove from heat. Win about 6½ cups.

5 ways to strain the healthiest vegetable of CDC in your diet

5. Both tortillas on a safe microwave plate between two wet paper towels; Heat in the microwave oven high for 30 seconds or until they are hot.

6. Fill the tortillas with sweet potato mixture; Cover with Jalapeño and Pepitas.

7. Serve with lime wedges and additional spicy sauce.

Mini Banana Pancils

Mini Banana Pancils

Marcus’s banana banana bite recipe serves four and takes 35 minutes to be done. (Dole Food Co.)


¼ cup of chopped mango

2 tablespoons of raw cane sugar

¼ cup of chopped strawberries

4 ripe bananas, peeled and cut in a transverse way in ½ inch pieces

Egg prices shoot: 6 suitable food substitutes to consider

1 cup of protein pancakes and gofres mixture

2 tablespoons of natural butter with olive oil, melted

Antiating kitchen spray


1. Preheat the oven at 300 ° F; Fin a baking tray with paper with scroll paper.

2. Hot the handle, 1 tablespoon of sugar and ¼ cup of water over low heat in a small saucepan over medium heat; Reduce low fire and cook 4 minutes or until the handle is very soft, stirring occasionally.

3. Transfer the handle mixture to a blender; Purée high until it is soft. About 3 tablespoons.

4. Hot the strawberries, 1 remaining spoonful of sugar and ¼ cup of water over low heat in the same saucepan over medium heat; Reduce the fire to bass and cook 4 minutes or until the strawberries are very soft, stirring occasionally.

Mini banana pancakes with strawberry sauce

The mini banana pancakes are served with fruit sauce. (Dole Food Co.)

5. Transfer the strawberry mixture to a blender; Purée high until it is soft. About 3 tablespoons.

6. Beat the mixture of pancakes and gofres, butter and ¾ cup of water in a medium bowl.

7. PRECALIENTE GREAT ANTI -INDENDING SAN over medium heat; Spray with cooking spray.

8. In two lots, submerge bananas in the dough to cover, allowing excess to go; Place in the pan and cook 4 minutes or until the upper part and the funds are golden, turning once.

The high egg prices are named in Louisiana’s bakeries before Mardi Gras

9. Present the vertical bananas and cook for 1 minute, turning to brown all sides.

10. Transfer to the prepared pan; Keep hot in the oven while cooking the remaining lot. Around 40 bites ago.

11. Serve the pancake bites with handle mixtures and strawberry to wet.

Muffins Recipe without Egg -free with linen

Linen banana muffins

These banana women without eggs use banana as a substitute for eggs. (Miss nutritious meals)


4 tablespoons of linen seed

4 tablespoons of warm water

1 cup of whole wheat flour

3/4 cup of white flour

1 teaspoon of cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

1 teaspoon baking powder

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1/2 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate

1/2 teaspoon of Kosher salt

2/3 cup 1% milk

1 tablespoon Apple vinegar

1/3 Cup of Arce Syrup

1/3 cup of neutral oil

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 cup of banana puree

1/2 cup of chocolate chips or other optional mixtures

Pan -banana muffins

Eggless banana muffins can be stored in the refrigerator up to a week. (Miss nutritious meals)


1. Preheat the oven at 350f.

2. Prepare your muffins tray with paper coverings. If you don’t have muffins cups, sprinkle the muffins tray with nonstick spray.

3. Combine all dry ingredients in a large bowl. Combine all wet ingredients in another bowl.

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4. Add half of the dry ingredients to humid and mix until it is combined. Add the remaining dry ingredients. Once combined, add your optional mixtures.

5. Pour the dough into the tin of muffins prepared with a tablespoon of ice cream or a cup of 1/3 cup to make sure they are the same size.

6. Add any optional mixture to the upper part of the muffins, or omits to mix them and simply add some for interest in the upper part.

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7. Slide the tray on the central rack of the preheated oven and configure the timer for 20 minutes or until a toothpick out.

8. Let them cool on a grid and store in the refrigerator in a hermetic container up to a week.

These recipes are owned by Melanie Marcus and were shared with Fox News Digital.

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