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Brazil couple breaks the world record: the longest marriage of a living couple

Two centenarians broke the worldwide record of Guinness for the longest marriage of a living couple, as reported by Jam Press and confirmed by Longeviquest, a database on the life and times of the the oldest people in the world.

Manoel Angelim Dino, 105, met Maria de Sousa Dino, 101, while collecting sweets in Brazil in 1936. They remained known until they met again in 1940.

When the couple gathered, he said he fell in love with first sight. He declared his feelings to Maria, who felt the same. The couple has been happily married for 84 years and 85 days.

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Maria’s mother was not sure of the Couple union At first, according to Jam Press.

Manoel quickly won his favor after building a house for him, Maria and his future family.

The longest record holders of Viva Couple Marriage, Maria de Sousa Dino, 101 and Manoel Angelim Dino, 105.

Maria de Sousa Dino, 101, and Manoel Angelim Dino, 105, have been together for 84 years, breaking the previous World Guinness record. (Jam Press)

At this time, World War II was exploding in Europe.

Back in Brazil, the couple grew tobacco to keep their 13 children.

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Today, The family It has expanded to include 55 grandchildren, 54 great -grandchildren and 12 great -great grandchildren.

The couple of long houses now spend their time at home enjoying the life they have built.

Manoel Angelim Dino extends his hands towards the camera.

Manoel Angelim Dino, 105, said he fell in love with his wife at first sight. (Jam Press)

Due to his age, he spends most of the time resting.

However, he gets up every night to sit with his wife in his living room, where they listen A Prayer of the Rosary On the radio followed by Mass on television, according to Longeviquest.

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When asked about the secret of her long marriage, Maria simply said: “Love. And that is something that even the most advanced computer could never calculate.”

An old photo of the couple, Maria de Sousa Dino (left) and Manoel Angelim Dino (right).

Manoel Angelim Dino and Maria de Sousa Dino were born on July 17, 1919 and April 23, 1923, respective, in Boa Viagem, Ceará, Brazil. (Jam Press)

The previous record was held by an American couple, Herbert Fisher, born in 1905, and Zelmyra Fisher, born in 1907.

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They were together for 86 years and 290 days until Herbert died on February 27, 2011, according to Guinness.

The longest registered marriage belongs to David Jacob Hiller, born in 1789, and Sarah Davy Hiller, born in 1792.

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After marrying in Canada in 1809, Your union It lasted an incredible 88 years and 349 days until Sarah died in 1898, Guinness said.

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